Charity Spotlight: Newport’s National Charity League Delivers Trees



Rob Stewart and his daughter Sienna decorate a tree
Rob Stewart and his daughter Sienna decorate a tree

On Dec. 5, 15 dads and daughters from National Charity League Newport Harbor came to the Human Options Second Step facility to deliver Christmas trees and serve breakfast to those families living in transitional housing.

After breakfast, the groups set up the trees in the individual apartment homes, and decorated the trees together with the families. Gifts (also purchased by NCL Newport Harbor based on a wish list provided by each family) were delivered the next day and placed under the trees.

Through their Costa Mesa Thrift Shop called Ticktockers, Newport Beach Chapter of National Charity League continually raises funds and has donated $20,000 to Second Step for each of the past five years.

Additionally, they sponsor dinner for the families at Second Step one evening each month. It is generally catered and includes enough food for several family meals. After dinner, the NCL girls (called Ticktockers) bring activities and crafts for the children to connect even further with the children living in the shelter. Currently, Second Step is home to 27 children and 13 moms.

Most families come from an emergency shelter where they had to flee from an abusive marriage or relationship. Second

Crystal Torres, Andrew Morales and Tammy Matsunami
Crystal Torres, Andrew Morales and Tammy Matsunami

Step continues with the work started in the emergency shelter with a goal of further healing and gaining the necessary tools to manage their lives. Children also receive counseling and the Second Step families bond and provide  support to one another while living communally.

Second Step site administrator Andrew Morales has managed the facility for the past five years and said that National Charity League Newport Beach is by far their largest children’s support system. “I really don’t know what we’d do without them,” he said at the event.

The mission of Human Options is to provide safe haven and life changing programs to help abused women, their children and families rebuild their lives, while working with the community to break the cycle of domestic violence.

Now in its 34th year, Human Options provides a full continuum of services to stop the violence – from a 24-hour hotline, emergency and transitional living programs, education and prevention presentations and trainings in the community, and low/no cost services including counseling, legal advocacy, children’s therapies, and empowerment classes, offered in six cities in the county. Individuals seeking help can call 877-854-3594.

For further information about Human Options visit