Newport Oceanfront Boardwalk Closure Extended, Buck Gully Trail Closed

Access to the oceanfront boardwalk on the Balboa Peninsula is closed until further notice / photo by Chris Trela

Following a temporary closure last weekend, the City of Newport Beach has closed the Oceanfront Boardwalk on the Balboa Peninsula until further notice to encourage social distancing and limit the spread of COVID-19, according to information received from the city.

Beginning Friday at noon, crews reinstalled barriers along the Boardwalk’s access points and posted closure signs.

In addition, the Buck Gully hiking trail will be closed until further notice. While most City trails remain open, Buck Gully is a narrow trail that makes social distancing difficult.

The City will continue to monitor open spaces to ensure compliance with State and County orders.

Access to the Newport Pier is temporarily blocked

Access to the Newport and Balboa Piers is also blocked, although the beach remains open. There is still limited parking in front of businesses near the Newport pier, but most beach parking lots remain closed.

These measures are intended to reduce congestion and limit public gatherings to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 cases in Orange County. For the health and safety or our community, the City is following the Governor’s stay-at-home, social distancing directive.

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