From Newport to Nairobi (Part Two)


Second of three parts.

Jene Meece, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Agano with Kenya, is currently in Africa with other team members from the charity, visiting, documenting and encouraging the girls the organization has helped reach higher education.

We introduced Meece and her mission in the Aug. 19 edition of the Indy, and you can read it here.

Here are some excerpts from the second week of Meece’s daily updates about her time in Africa:


Day 8 in Kenya:

Agano with Kenya student, Grace, outside her school, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. Grace said she is “going to be an IT expert” and is very appreciative of the opportunity.

“Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology is a good hour outside of Nairobi. Grace was waiting for us and gave us a tour of her hostel as well as the school. When asked her major she doesn’t say “IT,” she says, “I’m going to be an IT EXPERT.” This is one happy lady. She is so appreciative of the opportunity she has.”


Day 9 in Kenya: “There are probably two thousand pictures on my computer from the last four years that I’ve traveled to Kenya. I wish you could have heard the sounds of laughter as they found snapshots of themselves from four years ago.”

Fishing boats leaving in the morning near Meece's hotel.



Day 10 in Kenya:

“We took off for two days in Zanzibar. Father Henry had a packet of accounting info to give me but changed his mind because he said he wanted me to relax for a couple of days. I took full advantage! Our hotel was by the local fishing village and over 100 boats would leave each morning and evening for that day’s catch.”

While relaxing on the beach during a day off, Meece saw this herd of zebu cattle meandering along the sand.


Day 11 in Kenya:

“Never in my life have I plopped into a beach chair from 7 a.m. until sunset at 6:15 p.m. I had loads of time to watch local life pass me by. I was quite surprised, however, when a herd of cows meandered down the beach.”


Day 12 in Kenya:

Janet, a law student in the Agano program, joined Meece while visiting Mt. Olive Middle School.

“The best part about today was the way everyone had such a good time. Janet is studying law but found the time to join us. We’re planning a meeting for Janet with a wonderful attorney who works in Nairobi and volunteers with The Clinton Foundation’s Give Back program which mentors girls towards successful careers.”


Read the Indy’s previous story about the rest of Meece’s trip here.

Read a more detailed follow-up article about the Agano with Kenya organization here.

Visit for more information.