In an effort to provide Newport Harbor’s boating community an additional public anchorage location and reduce the potential of crowding and over-capacity use of the harbor’s only existing designated anchorage located east of Lido Isle (along with the goal of improving overall Harbor safety), the City of Newport Beach established a trial anchorage west of Lido Isle, during 2015, 2016 and 2017.
These trials were well received and have led to the City pursuing a request for consideration from the U.S. Coast Guard, for a longer-term anchorage designation for the same general area.
A new section of the Harbor Department’s website has been developed to provide additional information regarding the proposed West Anchorage, and to solicit feedback from the public, through a brief online survey.
If you would like to learn more about the West Anchorage Proposal and participate in the survey, please visit the City’s website at newportbeachca.gov/anchoragesurvey. The West Anchorage survey will remain open through Dec. 31, 2020.
Comments and/or questions may also be submitted directly to Kurt Borsting, City Harbormaster, via email at kborsting@newportbeachca.gov or by telephone at (949) 270-8158.