Newport Harbor Republican Women Opens Campaign Headquarters


Newport Harbor Republican Women has opened its 2020 Republican Campaign Headquarters for Newport Beach at 430 West Coast Highway near Dover Drive. It is open Monday through Friday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and Sunday noon to 5 p.m. Hours will be expanded as needed, check website for details.

Founded in 1952, the organization has operated the Republican Campaign Headquarters for Newport Beach for every general election for more than six decades. They organize and finance it themselves for the OCGOP.

According to the Newport Harbor Republican Women website, the group strives to promote the principles upon which this country was founded: Freedom, Equality, and Justice.

Among the activities NHRW offers are nine educational speaker luncheons from September to May at the Pacific Club in Newport Beach, as well as regular current events action meetings in homes, and an annual social garden party with local legislators. They provide scholarships to graduating high school seniors and foster outreach to youth. They participate in Balboa Island’s annual family parade.

The organization welcomes volunteers to help with voter registration, walking precincts, and other activities.

Learn more at or email Campaign HQ Chair Libby Huyck at You can also call the headquarters at (949) 402-8040.