Newport Harbor Reopens Following Oil Spill Closure

Newport Harbor. Photo by Jim Collins ©

The entrance to Newport Harbor reopened Friday afternoon, October 8, following a five-day closure due to the oil spill.

The Harbor entrance was closed Monday morning by order of the U.S. Coast Guard to help prevent oil from entering harbor waters.

For several days the harbor has been protected by two containment booms placed across the Entrance Channel. On Friday afternoon the booms were removed in anticipation of the reopening.

The City’s beach advisory remains in place. Residents and visitors are prohibited from entering ocean water and oiled areas of the sand. The state’s temporary prohibition of fishing and collecting of shellfish (both recreational and commercial) from Huntington Beach south to Dana Point also remains in place.

Members of the public are advised to avoid contact with oiled wildlife. If anyone encounters oiled wildlife, please call (8770 823-6926. Stay away from tidepools and other sensitive wildlife habitat.

The cause of the spill remains under investigation.

The City is continuing to monitor this evolving incident and will release additional information as it becomes available.

For more information please visit the City’s website at  The official incident web site is

Community volunteers can register with the state Dept. of Fish and Wildlife at