Passengers aboard the Newport Coastal Adventure fast raft boat out of Newport Harbor on Monday, Feb. 22 got more than they expected when a pod of around 2,000 dolphins stampeded past their boat of the coast of Newport Beach.
“We don’t know exactly what causes common dolphins to stampede, but it’s thought that the dolphins could be evading a predator such as orcas, or sharks, catching up to a food source, or they could be on the move to meet up with another pod of dolphins,” explained Jessica Roame, Education Programs Manager for Newport Landing Whale Watching, in an email. “Porpoising out of the water at a high rate of speed is the fastest mode of travel for dolphins because there is less resistance in the air than in water, which is why these dolphins move in this way when they’re in a hurry.”
Roame added that “Southern California is one of the best places in the world to see large mega-pods of dolphin on a regular basis, as they are here year-round in Newport Beach.”
To see video of the stampeding pod of dolphins (courtesy of Newport Coastal Adventure), visit https://youtu.be/jOXboSbPfeI.
Roame noted that Newport Coastal Adventure has whale watching and dolphin tours that depart daily on boats that vary from larger passenger vessels to smaller 6-15 passenger zodiac tours.
“We are well known for our Pacific Gray Whale Migration from December to May, but we actually see whales year round,” wrote Roame. “Throughout the year we can see humpback whales, blue whales, fin whales, minke whales, bryde’s whales, common dolphins, bottlenose dolphins, risso’s dolphins and more.”
For more information or to book a whale watching (and dolphin watching) cruise, visit https://newportwhales.com.