Newport City Council Restricts Short-Term Rentals Until May 20


Citing increased risk for COVID-19 exposure, the Newport Beach City Council has prohibited short-term lodging rentals until May 20, 2020 or for the duration of the City’s local emergency, according to information posted on the city’s website.

The City’s 1,536 permitted short-term rental housing units tend to be clustered in high-density areas, predominately near the beaches and Newport Harbor, read the notice. Council members said the ban will help reduce the high turnover in short-term rentals that may increase the risk of spreading COVID-19 in the community.

The temporary restriction will go into effect immediately and stay in place until May 20, or sooner if the City’s local emergency is lifted.

Renters now occupying short-term lodging will be allowed to remain for the duration of their rental agreements.

Violations will result in a fine of $1,000 for a first violation, a 1-year permit suspension for a second violation, and revocation upon a third violation.