Charity Spotlight: Newport Chapter of National Charity League Hosts 58th Debutante Ball

Charity League debutantes

Honoring six years of dedication to more than 30 charities throughout Orange County, 29 debutantes from the Newport Chapter of National Charity League, Inc. were honored at the 58th Debutante Ball, held on Nov. 24, at the Hotel Irvine, the league announced in a message. 

National Charity League is a philanthropic organization with the primary purpose to foster mother-daughter relationships through community service, leadership development, and cultural experiences.

The 2018 Debutantes are an accomplished group of young women, collectively having volunteered over 8,000 hours of service to the various philanthropies supported by the Newport Chapter of NCL, according to the announcement. 

Many of this year’s debutantes received awards for volunteering over 50, 75, and 100 hours each year of their NCL Journey.

The 2018 class also boasts valedictorians, AP scholars, honor roll students, campus ministry leaders, class presidents, athletic team captains, as well as members of the California Scholarship Federation, National Honor Society, and Associated Student Body, NCL officials explain in the message.

Many of the debutantes were varsity high school athletes, participating in cheer, song, track & field, cross country, field hockey, soccer, rowing, basketball, tennis, sailing, volleyball, water polo, and swim teams.

With many having over a 4.0 GPA from high school, the debutantes are enrolled in colleges including Stanford, Berkeley, Brown University, University of Colorado Boulder, UCLA, Notre Dame and University of Texas, among others, the statement reads. 

The 2018 debutantes are: Allison Barnes, Kate Briggs, Paxton Bryant, Betsy Calder, Daniella Daboub, Christina Davenport, Isabella Deckey, Sarah Duarte, Makenzie Frank, Raleigh Garner, Tia Grippo, Gwendolyn Hart, Blair Hodges, Parker Hoffman, Eva Merrell, Lauren Merrell, Kate Montgomery, Claire Neushul, Layne Owen, Annie Pellegrini, Elizabeth Prado, Chloe Rettig, Emery Rolfes, Mackenzie Storm, Paige Warmington, Rylee Warmington, Tristen Warmington, Danielle Willson, and Ellie Yacoel.

More than 400 guests attended the formal affair complete with ball gowns, tuxedos, and a three-course meal. Following 58 years of tradition, each debutante was presented, performed the St. James Bow, and then walked down the dance floor on the arm of her father or sponsor. 

The evening culminated with the debutantes, escorts, fathers, mothers, and sponsors dancing the waltz.

President of the NCL Newport Chapter, Mara Hampton, welcomed the guests to the event. 

“Tonight, tradition connects us to those who have come before us and those who will come after us,” Hampton said. “Tonight, we bridge old and new, endings and beginnings, yesterday and today. It’s my greatest hope you’ll leave here tonight with the best memories ever.”

The 2018 Debutante Ball Committee includes Director Becky Scanlan and Assistant Director Jennifer Norminton, as well as Sara Benson, Laura Booth, Jennifer Brown, Becky Chanawatr, Teryn Clarke, Gina Donald, Reesa Emadi, Renee Gregg, Ali Jones, Catherine Kennett, Donna McAllister, Regina McLaughlin, Teri Pitchess, and Cindy Valdes.

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