Newport Celebrates the Fourth


Newport Beach loves the Fourth of July, with parades and parties throughout the day, culminating in the big fireworks show after dusk. Here are some photos from around town Wednesday.

Baxter Alex is a one-man float in the Fourth Is for Families bike and dog parade on the Peninsula yesterday morning. Photo by Jim Collins
John Vizcarra pulls sons Ethan and Gavin in the “bubble-mobile” in the Fourth is for Families parade. Photo by Jim Collins
The Fourth is for Families parade was a river of parents, kids and dogs decked out in red, white and blue. Photo by Jim Collins
Lucy and Emma are ready for pancakes at the American Legion Pancake Breakfast. Photo by Carol Vyn
A JetLev flier leads the Old Glory Boat Parade in the afternoon. Pick up the Newport Beach Indy next week to find out how Editor Roger Bloom fared in his rookie jet pack flight. Photo by Eric Cernich
The Old Glory Boat Parade on the Harbor in the early afternoon, drew plenty of boats decked out in red, white and blue. (And happy birthday, Shirley!). Photo by Ron Rus
Fireworks blossom over Newport Dunes at the close of a festive and fun day. Also visible in this picture are displays in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley and Seal Beach. Photo by Lawrence Sherwin


The grand finale of the Big Canyon Country Club show. Photo by Marlene Tolfa
