In an effort to service Newport Beach Library customers in this difficult time, the Library has announced it will offer Curbside Service for pick-up of library materials placed on Hold, Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at all four Newport Beach Public Library locations: Central, Balboa, Corona del Mar, and Mariners.
Library info courtesy Newport Beach Public Library:
What is Curbside Service?
Curbside Service allows customers to pick up library materials that have been placed on hold. Strict social distancing procedures are being implemented in order to effectively serve library customers and adhere to public health guidelines.
Who can use Curbside Service?
All Newport Beach Public Library cardholders in good standing can use the service. You must have your library card number and you must have items on hold that are ready to be picked up.
How do I use the Curbside Service?
- Place items on hold using the Library website catalog. Identify preferred library pickup location: Central, Balboa, Corona Del Mar or Mariners.
- Wait for notice that your hold items are ready.
- Request Curbside Service by using the Contact Us form or by calling (949) 717-3800, option 2.
- Library staff will prepare your items for pickup. Limited to 10 items.
- Staff will contact you when your items are checked out and ready for you to pick up.
- Go to the Library’s designated Curbside Pickup Location. This will be marked by signage at each location.
- You will need to have your library card number when you arrive to pick up your items. Be sure to bring it with you.
- When you arrive at the Library’s Pickup Location, call the number listed on the sign for further instructions. Pickup Locations for drive-up and walk-up service will be clearly marked and social distancing procedures will be strictly followed.
- Wait for delivery of materials. Remain in your vehicle or keep at least 6 feet away from the table until library staff has delivered your items and moved away from the pickup area. Then you may approach and pick up your library materials.
How many items can I pick up using Curbside Service?
You may request up to 10 items for Curbside Service.
Will I lose my HOLD items if I do not pick up during the closure?
No, if you choose not to pick up items placed on hold during the closure, you will not lose tour holds; they will be waiting for you when the libraries open.
How do I return library materials?
You may return your Library materials using the exterior book drops at all four NBPL locations. However, it is not necessary to return items until the libraries reopen.
Will I be fined if I am unable to return library materials during the closure?
No, you will not accrue fines or lose holds for materials during the library closure. We will extend all due dates until the library re-opens.
Are there any library resources I can use while branches are closed?
Yes. The Library provides a wide array of digital offerings, including e-books, audiobooks, magazines, and streaming movies through our e-Branch. Manage your account online – search the catalog, place holds, and renew items – at https://millennium.newport.lib.ca.us/patroninfo.
I have a question about my account. Is there anyone that can help me?
Yes. If you have any questions about your account or how to access digital resources please use the Contact Us page:
I have a reference question. Is there anyone who can help?
Yes. If you have a reference question please use the Contact Us Form or call (949) 717-3800, option 2.
Visit NewportBeachPubllicLibrary.org for more information.