Newport Beach Community Development Block Grants Available for COVID-19 Programs


Under the 2020 federal stimulus plan, Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), the City of Newport Beach (City) is the recipient of additional CARES Act funds through its participation in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program.

The City will have approximately $717,079 in Community Development Block Grant-Coronavirus (CDBG-CV) funds available. The main objectives of the CDBG-CV funds are to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Coronavirus, particularly to benefit persons of low- and moderate-income.

The City of Newport Beach is seeking proposals from qualified service providers to design, develop, implement, and manage the creation of a Mobile Crisis Response Unit Program.

Due to an increase in behavioral and mental health crisis exacerbated by COVID-19, the City is seeking proposals from qualified service providers to design, develop, implement, and manage the creation of a mobile crisis unit for Newport Beach.  Providers must have the ability to demonstrate services provided, will prepare for, respond to, and prevent COVID-19, principally assisting persons with LMI households in the community.

In an effort to build a partnership with the eventual selected provider, the selected provider will be responsible for providing appropriately trained personnel, as well as any sub-contractors necessary to provide such services that may include, but are not limited to:

  1. Respond to incidents in the field involving individuals suffering a mental health or substance abuse episode
  2. Provide appropriate professional staff to evaluate mental health or substance abuse needs
  3. Determine appropriate action plans specific to individual client’s needs
  4. Transport subjects in need to appropriate care facilities
  5. Conduct family and patient follow up care, as well as case management
  6. Relieve Police and Fire Department personnel on appropriate calls for service
  7. Provide appropriate response vehicles and transportation
  8. Outpatient Behavioral Health Services

Additional details will be coordinated with the selected service provider, which may include the following items: Transportation plan, after hour response procedures, psychiatric treatment facility locations, substance abuse treatment facilities, training of appropriate staff, security plan, communication plan, case management, response scenarios, background requirements of staff.

ELIGIBILITY: Proposals must demonstrate the services:

  1. Principally benefit persons of low- and moderate-income (households earning less than 80 percent of Orange County’s median income)
  2. Aid in the prevention, preparation, and response to COVID-19
  3. Benefit residents of Newport Beach
  4. Meet one of the three CDBG National Objectives

Proposals should include:

  1. A clear and concise description of the activities and how they prevent, prepare for and/or respond to issues created by the COVID-19 Pandemic
  2. A budget and a timeline for the Program
  3. An estimate for the number for individuals or households that will benefit from the proposed Program

Prioritization will be given to organizations that demonstrate the capacity to implement the program in accordance with the requirements established by the CARES Act, and whose services will help low- and moderate- income persons in Newport Beach.

CDBG-CV funds may be used to pay for labor, supplies, and material to operate and/or specifically maintain the portion of facility in which the public service is located.

CDBG-CV funded public service activities are typically categorized under the LMI Benefit National Objective as either Area Benefit or Limited Clientele activities.  To qualify a program, either category must be established and met.

A duplication of benefits occurs when a person, household, business, government, or other entity receives financial assistance from multiple sources for the same purpose, and the total assistance received for that purpose is more than the total need for assistance. CDBG- CV funds cannot be used to pay for eligible costs that have already been paid for, or will be paid for, by another Federal program, insurance, or other sources. If this occurs, the awardee must repay all funds awarded.

Evaluation of eligible proposals may be based on the following:

  1. Proposals which do not contain all information required by this NOFA or are otherwise non-responsive to the questions may be rejected immediately
  2. The City reserves the right to fund projects or services at a level, which is less than the amount requested
  3. The City reserves the right to waive irregularities or deficiencies in a proposal if the City determines that waiver is in the best interests of the City
  4. The City may request supplemental written information from an applicant concerning the applicant’s ability to perform the services of the Program. If an applicant fails to provide supplemental information within the time stated in the request, the City may refuse to consider the applicant’s proposal
  5. The City may request an interview with any applicant. If a proposal is unclear, or appears inadequate, the applicant may be given an opportunity to explain how the proposal complies with this NOFA
  6. Applicants must be willing to comply with all applicable Federal, State and City statutes, rules, regulations and record keeping requirements governing the use of CDBG funds
  7. The applicant selected by the City will be required to enter into a written contract requiring compliance with the NOFA and the proposal and any modifications and conditions imposed by the City including CDBG grant terms applicable to the Program. This contract must be signed and executed prior to disbursement of any funds.

Proposals will be accepted until 2 p.m. on Friday, August 13, 2021, at the City of Newport Beach, Community Development Department located at 100 Civic Center Drive, Bay D, Newport Beach. Late proposals submitted after the deadline, will not be considered for funding.

Questions regarding this NOFA should be directed to Priscila Dávila, CDBG Consultant at (562) 673-3388.