Newport Beach City Manager Week in Review for June 6, 2021

City Manager Grace Leung

By Grace Leung, Newport Beach City Manager

Orange County’s COVID-19 metrics hit an encouraging new low this week, as all key categories dropped below 1 for the first time since the State of California developed the Blueprint for a Safer Economy tracking system.

The County’s 7-day average daily case number (per 100,000 people) decreased from 1.3 to 0.9 this week. The test positivity rate (the percentage of positive tests among those tested) improved from 0.8 percent to 0.6 percent. The health equity metric held steady at 0.7 percent.

The continued progress is welcome news as we move closer to June 15, when the state plans to fully reopen all business sectors and activities.

Here is additional vaccine information and resources as of June 4:

  • The County’s Super POD vaccination sites will close at the end of the day on Saturday, June 5. The County will shift to a network of mobile and community-based vaccine clinics.
  • The County will continue to use the platform for appointment scheduling, along with the OC COVID-19 Hotline at (714) 834-2000. Walk-ins are also welcomed at any POD or mobile POD vaccination site.
  • All County vaccination sites are now offering all three COVID-19 vaccine platforms: Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson.

COVID-19 Cases in Newport Beach

As of June 3, the total number of COVID-19 cases in Newport Beach was 3,919 and the total cases in Orange County was 255,347. The number of recovered COVID-19 patients countywide as of June 3 was 249,205. These figures are provided to Orange County by the California Department of Public Health.

Homelessness Update

People experiencing homelessness in Newport Beach can now find temporary shelter and support services in the new Costa Mesa Bridge Shelter. Through a partnership agreement with Costa Mesa, the new shelter at 3175 Airway Avenue provides up to 72 beds for individuals experiencing homelessness in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. The shelter is operated by Mercy House, which provides case management to locate appropriate permanent housing, assist with job searches, and provide other on-site services.

City staff works closely with our contractor City Net, and our regional partners throughout the county and state, to address homelessness. The City Net helpline number is (714) 451- 6198. Those who call the hotline may leave a detailed voicemail message for themselves or others in need and City Net staff will respond within 48 hours. For immediate assistance, call the County’s Crisis Prevention Hotline at (877) 7-CRISIS or (877) 727-4747.

Success Stories:

  • City Net staff continues to assist an elderly, disabled man as he transitions into a permanent, supportive housing unit in Stanton that is part of a converted motel. The man has lived in his car for several years by the Newport Pier. The County of Orange and the City of Stanton secured funding through the state’s Project Homekey program to convert two motels into 132 units of permanent, supportive housing. The City of Newport Beach may place qualified people into the Stanton housing through the County’s system of care.
  • 13 people who had been experiencing homelessness in Newport Beach are now sheltered in the new Costa Mesa Bridge Shelter.
  • City Net staff obtained a new photo ID for a man experiencing homelessness by the Balboa Pier. The new ID allowed City Net to schedule a medical appointment and a Social Security benefits meeting for the man.
  • City Net staff transported a client to a second vaccination appointment and helped him finalize a housing voucher application.
  • City Net staff referred a man experiencing homelessness in Newport Beach to an in-patient mental health facility for treatment.
  • One person in Newport Beach experiencing homelessness was enrolled into City Net services. City Net staff completed the Vulnerability Index Intake Assessment. The assessment is used to screen clients to determine proper placement in the County’s Continuum of Care system. Some assessment factors include age, health issues, and length of time being unsheltered. Case managers will follow up with the clients to provide housing assessments, prepare documentation for housing, and obtain access to benefits.
  • City Net staff continues to provide food gift cards, support, and case management to an honorably discharged veteran sheltering in a motel while he awaits placement into permanent, supportive housing.

Newport Beach Public Library Reopening

On Monday, June 7, Central Library resumes normal hours of operation at 100 percent capacity with some modifications for social distancing. Hours are:

  • Monday to Thursday: 9 a.m. – 9 p.m.
  • Friday and Saturday: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
  • Sunday: 12 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Mariners Branch is at 100 percent capacity and open for in-person services. The branch will resume evening hours and Sunday service on July 6.

Balboa and Corona del Mar Branch will also reopen for in-person services on Monday, June 7, at 100 percent capacity and some modifications for social distancing. Hours are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Balboa and CDM branches will no longer offer curbside services.

Face masks are required inside all Library facilities.

The Newport Beach City Arts Commission presents Red Riding Hood

The Newport Beach City Arts Commission presents a free showing of South Coast Repertory’s virtual production of Red Riding Hood. Who could be better at bringing this fast and funny tale into your home than stage and TV director Shannon Flynn, an Emmy Award winner for Sesame Street? Please register online through the Library’s website at Registration is FREE, however, there are a limited number of tickets available until June 13 for this stunning virtual performance.

2021 Drinking Water Quality Report

The Utilities Department has prepared the annual drinking water quality report covering the 2020 calendar year. This annual report has been recently mailed to all Newport Beach water customers and is also found on the City’s website at

The City of Newport Beach Utilities Department staff vigilantly safeguards its water supply and as in years past, the water delivered to your home and business meets the quality standards required by federal and state regulatory agencies. 75 percent of the water comes from groundwater and the remaining 25 percent comes from the northern California State Water Project and the Colorado River. For information about the report or water quality information in general, please feel free to contact the City Utilities Department at (949) 644-3011.