Newport Beach City Manager Update: Hurricane Hilary, Mobile Home Park Fire

Grace Leung

By Grace Leung, Newport Beach City Manager

Three homes were lost in a fire on Wednesday, Aug. 16, at the Beach/Bay Mobile Home Park at 7204 W. Coast Hwy., and three other homes were damaged. Fortunately there were no injuries as a result of the blaze.

The Newport Beach Fire Department was dispatched at around 9:35 a.m. Initial units observed heavy smoke and a second alarm was ordered, triggering a response for additional units.


Fire crews acted quickly to extinguish the fire, provide structure defense, initiate environmental protection, and evacuate residents in the affected area.

In total, 15 fire units and more than 40 personnel responded to the incident from several departments, including Costa Mesa Fire & Rescue, Huntington Beach Fire Department and Fountain Valley Fire Department.

The Newport Beach Police Department assisted with traffic and crowd control, and City Public Works staff assisted in mitigating adverse impacts to the environment. The Red Cross responded to assist with displaced victims. One patient was transported to the hospital for reasons unrelated to the incident.

The cause of the fire is still under investigation.

Lunch and Learn Event to Cover Senior Resources Sept. 27 at OASIS

OASIS Senior Center hosts a Lunch and Learn event on Wednesday,  Sept. 27 from noon to 1:30 p.m. Learn about the Medi-Cal Renewal profess and the CalFresh program. Community resources for basic needs, mental health, food, caregiver resources and more will be available. Free lunch is generously sponsored by Lauren Kleiman, Newport Beach Council Member for District 6, and provided by AgeWell. There will be an opportunity drawing for gift baskets. RSVP by Friday, Sept. 22 by calling (714) 644-3244 or via email at

Be Well Mobile Crisis Response Update

The Be Well mobile crisis response team operates in Newport Beach 12 hours a day, 7 days a week to respond to mental and behavioral health crises. The mobile unit is staffed with mental health specialists and works closely with the City’s police and fire departments.

This week, the Be Well team:

  • Transported a person to the Be Well sobering station for treatment.
  • Transported an unhoused person to a substance use treatment facility after resolving a mental health crisis.
  • Transported a person to a mental health treatment facility.
  • Transported a person to a safe location after resolving a mental health crisis.
  • Collaborated with the Newport Beach Fire Department for a medical transport after resolving a mental health crisis.
  • Educated tourists and residents on the Be Well OC services and campus.

To reach Be Well: The mobile crisis team is dispatched through the Newport Beach Police Department. To request service, dial 911 or call the Police Department’s non-emergency line at (949) 644-3717.

Homelessness Update

This week the City’s homeless outreach and response teams:

  • Collaborated with the Anaheim Be Well team to provide in-home services for a newly housed client.
  • Completed a new client intake and scheduled an appointment for the OC Rescue Mission program.
  • Met with a client to process an appeal letter to the Orange County Housing Authority for a declined apartment application.
  • Met with a client to process paperwork with the Orange County Housing Authority.
  • Collaborated with the Orange County Healthcare Agency to locate housing for a client with a housing voucher.
  • Completed a referral for a couple to the Yale Navigation Center.
  • Continued to shelter people. Nineteen people who had been experiencing homelessness in Newport Beach are sheltered in the Costa Mesa Bridge Shelter.

Click here to view the latest homeless dashboard, which includes key monthly and yearly data on the City’s homeless response:

Click here for information on the City’s Good Giving program: