Newport Beach City Manager Update: Fourth of July Plans for Newport Beach

Grace Leung

By Grace Leung, Newport Beach City Manager

For the past several weeks, City staff members have been engaged in planning efforts to help ensure a safe, fun, family-friendly Fourth of July holiday in Newport Beach.

This year promises to be another fun-filled weekend, with events that include the 11th Annual 4th of July is for Families Newport Peninsula Bike Parade and Festival from 9 to 11:30 a.m., 49th Annual Mariners Park Independence Day Parade and Celebration from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., the American Legion’s Old Glory Boat Parade in Newport Harbor from 1 to 3:30 p.m., the Condor Squadron WWII North American AT-6 Coastal Flyover at 5:35 p.m. (approximate), and the Fireworks Extravaganza at the Newport Dunes at 9 p.m.

As in past years, the West Newport/Balboa Peninsula safety enhancement zone ( will be in effect for the area bounded by the Pacific Ocean on the south, 32nd Street and Newport Boulevard on the east, W. Coast Highway on the north, and 54th Street on the west. The safety enhancement zone designation is effective from 12:01 a.m. on July 4 to 3 a.m. on July 5. Fines within this area are triple the normal amount and can be up to $3,000.

The City has enacted stringent policies to disband unruly parties and address rowdy behavior to help provide a more enjoyable holiday for everyone. Please visit the West Newport/Balboa Peninsula holiday information page at to learn more about public safety procedures for this area of the city, along with road closures to help manage increased traffic and parade activities.

As a reminder:

  • All fireworks are prohibited. It is illegal to possess or use fireworks in Newport Beach. This includes “safe and sane” fireworks such as fountains and sparklers that can be purchased in nearby cities. Please do not call 911 to report seeing or hearing fireworks. If you know the know the exact location of the source of the fireworks, call the Police Department’s non-emergency number, 949-644-3717, to make a report.
  • The loud and unruly gatherings ordinance will be enforced. Property owners and/or party hosts are responsible for the conduct of their guests. Loud and raucous parties requiring a police response could result in citation or arrest of those present and/or fines for both property owners and tenants.
  • Alcoholic beverages are prohibited in public areas. Possessing open containers or drinking alcoholic beverages on streets, sidewalks or other public areas is prohibited. Violators are subject to citation or arrest.
  • It is illegal to throw water balloons or use squirt guns and garden hoses to spray pedestrians, bicyclists or vehicles. Violators are subject to citation or arrest.

For more information, visit the City’s web site at If you have any questions or concerns about the July 4 safety procedures and precautions, please call the Newport Beach Police Department’s non-emergency number at (949) 644-3717 or contact Sgt. Adam Dudash, the Police Department’s July 4 planning coordinator, at or (949) 644-3730.

Updated Draft General Plan Housing Element Now Available

City staff and its consultant team have been working with the Housing Element Update Advisory Committee, Planning Commission, City Council, and the community over the past two-and-one-half years to prepare the updated General Plan Housing Element. As a reminder, this effort is required by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) in response to the 6th Cycle Regional Housing Needs Assessment allocation of 4,845 new housing units for Newport Beach.

The City has prepared and submitted two draft versions and one adopted version of the Housing Element for HCD’s review. Most recently, the City received a letter from HCD on April 11, 2022, with three remaining comments on the adopted version.

An updated version has been prepared in response to the comments and is available online. Please click here to download and view it:

If you have any questions or to submit comments, please reach out to City staff by emailing

The City greatly appreciates the community’s continued participation and engagement in this challenging and unprecedented update process.

Newport Beach Junior Lifeguard Program Now Underway

This year’s Newport Beach Junior Lifeguard program began on June 21. Members of the Police Department’s Traffic Division and the Volunteers in Policing worked with local businesses on Balboa Island and the Balboa Peninsula to ensure the junior guards got to their destination safely. During the seven-week program, we will continue to assist in the safety of all those traveling in the area. Please remind your children to obey all the rules of the road while riding a bicycle or e-bike.

Crystal Cove and Corona del Mar Earn A+’s on Ocean Water Quality Report Card

Heal the Bay’s annual Beach Report Card, which reports on water quality at ocean beaches, was released earlier this week ( and Crystal Cove and Corona del Mar made the honor roll.

To earn a spot on the honor roll, a beach must be monitored weekly all year and must receive an A+ for all seasons and weather conditions.

Be Well Mobile Crisis Response Update

The Be Well mobile crisis response team operates in Newport Beach 12 hours a day, 7 days a week to respond to mental and behavioral health crises. The mobile unit is staffed with mental health specialists and EMTs, and works closely with the City’s police and fire departments.

This week the Be Well team:

  • Transported one person to a crisis stabilization unit for care.
  • Transported two people to the Costa Mesa Bridge Shelter for intake.
  • Transported two people to the sobering station at the Be Well campus.
  • Transported eight people to services, shelter intakes, and appointments.
  • Conducted 17 outreach interactions with residents and people experiencing homelessness.

Homelessness Update

The City of Newport Beach provides a comprehensive response to address homelessness through a coordinated effort by City staff, contractors, partner agencies and nonprofit groups.

This week, the City’s homeless outreach and response teams:

  • Continued to shelter people. Eighteen people who had been experiencing homelessness in Newport Beach are sheltered in the Costa Mesa Bridge Shelter.
  • Enrolled one person into services, completed a housing assessment, and obtained his new photo ID and Social Security card.
  • Completed housing paperwork for a client matched to a housing voucher.
  • Continued to shelter an older adult in a motel while she awaits placement with an Emergency Housing Voucher.

To donate to those experiencing homelessness in Newport Beach, please visit our Good Giving Program web page at