Newport Beach City Manager Update for Oct. 30

Grace Leung, Newport Beach City Manager

By Grace Leung, Newport Beach City Manager  

I am deeply saddened to report the sudden passing of Police Sergeant Randy Parker on Monday, Oct. 25. Randy was a third generation Newport Beach Police Officer who served the Newport Beach community for 20 years, as a patrol officer, detective and supervisor. He was widely respected throughout the region and was the Police Department’s Sworn Supervisor of the Year for 2020.

Randy leaves behind a wife and twin eleven-year-old children, his father (a retired Newport Beach police officer who served the community for over 30 years), a twin sister and many close friends and colleagues.

Organic Waste

Senate Bill 1383, which requires all cities in California to reduce the amount of organic waste sent to landfills and improve the quality of recyclables headed for processing, includes new statewide regulations that take effect in 2022.

The City of Newport Beach and its waste contractor, CR&R Environmental Services, are preparing to meet these new state mandates and implement other residential service improvements to the City’s trash and recycling program.

Here’s a summary of what to expect in the coming months:

  • Mandatory recycling. While more than 75% of Newport Beach households currently separate recyclables into the blue-top carts, the practice has been voluntary. Under SB1383, residential recycling will become mandatory. This fall CR&R has been distributing blue-top recycling carts to the remaining Newport Beach residences that do not have them. If you’ve recently received a blue-top recycling cart and have questions about its use, or would like to exchange cart sizes, please contact CR&R at (949) 625-6735 or on the web at
  • Collection route changes. The City is developing a new contract with CR&R to cover the expanded recycling program. The new contract, which is expected to be presented to the City Council for possible adoption in late November, proposes some collection route changes to increase efficiencies and reduce disruption to neighborhoods. If approved, the proposed route changes would reduce the total number of miles driven by collection trucks, reduce the total number of daily truck routes, decrease the number of left turns, and avoid high-traffic areas. Some residents may have their collection days adjusted as a result, beginning around February 2022. The City and CR&R will notify you in advance if your home will have trash and recycling collected on a different day of the week.
  • Yard Waste and Food (Organics) Recycling. SB1383 also mandates residential recycling of organic waste, which include grass clippings, yard waste, food and kitchen scraps, and food- soiled paper. In January 2022, all Newport Beach households will receive a green-top cart for organic waste, as well as a two-gallon pail to collect organic materials in the kitchen. Please be on the lookout for green-top organic recycling carts, kitchen pails and organic recycling guides, which will be distributed after the holidays. The program is expected to collect more than 500 tons of organic materials a month, which would otherwise be sent to landfills, and convert it to high-quality compost. The program will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 1,200 tons every year. CR&R will use split-body trucks for alley collection on the Peninsula, Balboa Island and Corona del Mar, which will reduce the need for additional truck trips by collecting recyclables and organic waste at the same time.
  • Additional Service Fees. Under the proposed contract, all households would be allowed one trash cart, up to two recycling carts, and one organics cart at no additional charge (trash collection fees are paid entirely by the City, and residents pay a recycling fee that offsets the City’s costs). Beginning in April 2022, any additional carts will be available for an extra charge. Cart rollout service (where carts are moved to the street for collection by CR&R workers and returned empty) will also be available for an additional charge. Disabled residents will continue to receive cart rollout service for free with proof of disability. To help keep our streets and waterways clean, residents will be required to put all trash and recyclables in the proper carts without overfilling.

In the coming months, the City and CR&R will inform and remind residents about these upcoming changes through direct mail, this newsletter, social media, video, the City website and more.

COVID-19 Cases in Newport Beach

As of October 28, the total cumulative number of COVID-19 cases in Newport Beach was 5,092, an increase of 55 cases from October 21. The total number of cases in Orange County as of October 28 was 304,368, an increase of 2,133 cases from October 21. The number of recovered COVID-19 patients countywide as of October 28 was 292,948. These figures are provided to Orange County by the California Department of Public Health. The County’s daily, weekday update of COVID-19 case information is available at

Those seeking vaccination options can visit the HCA page at by the California Department of Public Health.

Drought Conditions for Orange County

Last week, the Governor issued an executive order, declaring drought conditions for much of Southern California including Orange County and is calling on all Californians to voluntarily reduce water use by 15% compared to 2020 to protect our water reserves. Newport Beach residents are also asked to voluntarily reduce their water use by 15%. There are numerous ways to save water in and around your homes. One of the easiest ways is to adjust your sprinkler timers. You can find resources on the City’s website at

Additionally, at the November 16 City Council meeting, our Utilities Department will be presenting information regarding an update to our water conservation program and ordinance. If you would like a free inspection or review from our Utilities Department staff regarding your water use, please feel free to contact us at (949) 644-3011.

Treasury Report

The August 2021 Treasury Report is available on the City’s website at:

As of August, the City’s portfolio totaled just over $316 million. Approximately $52 million of the portfolio was invested in very liquid investments available for day-to- day operations and major construction expenditures.

The short-term portfolio ($247.8 million) had a weighted average effective maturity of 1.85 years. The trailing twelve months’ total return was 0.30%. Our benchmark for the same period, the ICE BofA 1-3 Year Treasury index, returned 0.16%. The income return on the portfolio, a better measure of income earned from the portfolio, was 1.71%.

New Harbor Feature on the MyNB App

A new feature on the City’s MyNB smartphone app includes the locations and images of public facilities in and around Newport Harbor, including public restrooms, public docks, pump out stations and fuel docks. The feature is easily accessed via the “Newport Harbor” section of the MyNB app. The user’s location is identified so anyone wishing to know where the nearest facility is can find it easily. This new tool is designed for use by all boaters on our harbor, especially new or infrequent visitors. Other harbor- related features available on the MyNB app include booking a mooring or slip with the City, general information about the Harbor Department, how to contact the Harbor Department and specific information on using the anchorages.

Root for Change

Recently our Parks Maintenance staff and crew partnered with Stanbridge University for a tree-planting event at Bonita Canyon Sports Park. More than 30 volunteers from the university and City staff planted 77 native trees and 100 native plants, donated by Shadetree Nursery. The effort is part of Stanbridge’s “Root for Change” initiative to help the environment by planting trees in locations across Southern California.

Free Sandbags for Newport Beach Residents

Free sandbags are available to Newport Beach residents Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. the day prior to a forecasted storm, and on the day of the storm at the City Corporation Yard, located at 592 Superior Avenue. Sandbags are limited to 10 per resident, with proof of Newport Beach residency.

For those preparing for storms in advance, filled and unfilled sandbags are available for pickup on Fridays from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the City Corporation Yard.

October Shred and E-waste Collection Event a Success

A total of 2,625 pounds of electronic waste and 8,000 pounds of paper were collected at the City’s shredding and e-waste event on October 16. All paper products were shredded on-site.

The next event will be in the spring at the Newport Beach City Yard, 592 Superior Avenue, with on-site shredding, e-waste collection and compost giveaway.

Homelessness Update

  • 14 people who had been experiencing homelessness in Newport Beach are now sheltered in the Costa Mesa Bridge Shelter.
  • City Net, the City’s contract homeless services agency, ordered Social Security award letters for several clients matched to Emergency Housing Vouchers. Emergency Housing Vouchers are funded by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and allow people to pay affordable rent based on their fixed incomes. Nine people experiencing homelessness in Newport Beach have been awarded vouchers so far and are working with a housing navigator to locate apartments. The voucher program is administered by the Orange County Housing Authority.
  • City Net finalized three Emergency Housing Voucher awards with clients. City Net will begin locating apartments for the voucher recipients in the next few weeks.
  • City Net enrolled a couple into their services and completed a housing assessment.
  • City Net ordered identifying documents (including a photo ID, birth certificate, and Social Security card) for several people enrolled in their services.

To donate to those experiencing homelessness in Newport Beach, please visit our Good Giving Program web page at