Newport Beach City Manager Update

Grace Leung, Newport Beach City Manager

By Grace Leung, Newport Beach City Manager

Saturday, February 3 is an important date on our City calendar: The annual City Council planning session that will help shape Newport Beach’s spending, infrastructure priorities and special initiatives for the next fiscal year and beyond.

The planning session will be at the OASIS Senior Center, 801 Narcissus Ave., from 9 a.m. to noon. Residents are invited to attend.

The session will provide an overview of City finances, future infrastructure projects and spending priorities at the beginning of the annual budget development process for the 2024-25 Fiscal Year.

The Council will receive updates and provide input to staff in the following areas:

  • Financial Status and Budget Development – City staff will provide an update on the City’s fiscal outlook, including challenges in the current fiscal year and forecasts for the next fiscal year budget.
  • Capital Improvement Planning – The discussion will include the City’s long range capital planning documents and how they inform the development of the upcoming projects for the capital improvement plan.
  • Special Initiatives – These include programs and service levels in areas such as code enforcement and the arts.

We hope you can join us! If you cannot make it in person, the meeting will be posted on our YouTube channel at for later viewing.

Updated Draft Housing Element Documents Available for Public Review

The City is seeking public input on draft documents related to implementation of the General Plan Housing Element, which will guide residential development in Newport Beach through 2029.

In August 2023, the City released initial versions of the draft Land Use Element revisions, the draft Housing Opportunity Overlay Zoning Districts, and the draft Objective Design Standards for public review and comment. Based on input received, these drafts have been revised and are now available for public review.

Residents are invited to provide comments and feedback by Friday, Feb. 2 on the updated draft documents, which are available online here:

Written comments can be submitted to In addition, members of the community are invited to learn more and provide input at a study session with the City Council on Tuesday, Feb. 13.

These efforts are required by state law to meet state and regional housing mandates.

In 2022, the Newport Beach City Council adopted the General Plan 6th Cycle Housing Element, which was later certified by the State Department of Housing and Community Development. The Housing Element includes a strategy for the City to meet a Regional Housing Needs Assessment allocation of 4,845 new housing units with varying affordability levels.

By 2025, under state law, the City must implement the planning strategy by updating the General Plan Land Use Element and providing appropriate zoning that will allow for the land identified in the Housing Element to be developed with housing units.

Registration Now Open for Presidents’ Week Camp Feb. 19-22

Registration is now open for Presidents’ Week Camp, February 19-22.

Campers aged 5-12 can enjoy full days of activities, crafts, games and an excursion to the Fountain Valley Skate Center.

Preschoolers aged 3-5 can join our Pintsized Camp for half-days of activities, crafts, indoor and outdoor games and more.

Click here for more information or to register:

OASIS Fitness Center Meets Health, Wellness Needs of Older Adults

Adults aged 50 and older are invited to join the OASIS Fitness Center, a state-of-the-art facility designed to meet the health and wellness needs of older adults.

The Fitness Center offers more than 20 cardiovascular machines including the NuStep; a full line of strength training and stretch machines by Technogym; and a variety of free weights, medicine balls, balance bars, yoga mats and resistance bands. The Center is open seven days a week.

Annual memberships rates are $137 for Newport Beach residents and $192 for non-residents. New members are asked to register by appointment. Please call 949-718-1818 for more information or to schedule a new member orientation.

Visit the OASIS fitness center website at

Be Well Mobile Crisis Response Update

The Be Well mobile crisis response team operates in Newport Beach 12 hours a day, seven days a week to respond to mental and behavioral health crises. The mobile unit is staffed with mental health specialists and works closely with the City’s police and fire departments.

Last week, the Be Well team:

  • Transported three people to the Costa Mesa Bridge Shelter for intakes.
  • Transported two people to the Be Well sobering station for treatment.
  • Transported a person to a homeless services provider for resources.
  • Collaborated with the Newport Beach Fire Department for a medical transport.

To reach Be Well: The mobile crisis team is dispatched through the Newport Beach Police Department. To request service, dial 911 or call the Police Department’s non-emergency line at (949) 644-3717.

Homelessness Update

This week, the City’s homeless outreach and response teams:

  • Coordinated an intake at the Costa Mesa Bridge Shelter for a client.
  • Collaborated with the Veterans Affair Administration to extend two housing vouchers for clients.
  • Submitted paperwork for a mental health assessment appointment.
  • Continued to shelter people. Twenty-five people who had been experiencing homelessness in Newport Beach are sheltered in the Costa Mesa Bridge Shelter.

Click here to view the latest homeless dashboard, which includes key monthly and yearly data on the City’s homeless response:

Click here for information on the City’s Good Giving program: