Newport Beach City Council Declares a Level 2 Water Shortage to Address Drought


The Newport Beach City Council has approved a Level 2 Water Supply Shortage declaration, which establishes a set of additional conservation measures designed to prevent the waste and unnecessary use of potable water

The declaration, which was approved at the June 28 City Council meeting, was made in response to a recent state order directing urban water suppliers to limit outdoor irrigation and curb wasteful water practices.

“Following another consecutive dry year in California, the City has declared a Level 2 Water Supply Shortage to reduce water use and comply with state regulations,” said Newport Beach Utilities Director Mark Vukojevic. “We are asking our residents to partner with us in reducing water use, particularly outdoors where most water waste occurs.”

Under the Level 2 declaration, Newport Beach residents must:

  • Water outdoor landscaping no more than 3 days a week.
  • Limit water use to the amount used by their households in 2020.

The following water uses are permanently restricted:

  • Watering between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. (to limit evaporation).
  • Landscape watering by automatic timers must be 10 minutes or less per watering station.
  • Using potable water to wash sidewalks, driveways or hardscapes.
  • Water leaks or malfunctions must be fixed within three days.
  • No outdoor irrigation within 48 hours after a rain.

Due to extreme and expanding drought conditions, all California counties are operating under a state of emergency. The City of Newport Beach’s Municipal Code was recently updated to include water conservation and supply level regulations through six increasing levels of water conservation requirements, based on the severity of conditions.

The Level 2 mandatory conservation requirements will remain in effect until the City Council declaration is repealed or until new conservation requirements are deemed necessary to ensure the continued sustainability of the City’s water supply.

For specific information please visit the City’s water quality and conservation webpage at