Newport-Based CalPac Charter School Tennis Star Maxi Duncan to Attend Harvard

Maxi Duncan

OC native and blue chip tennis recruit Maxi Duncan has made her official collegiate decision: to attend Harvard University and play tennis on scholarship for the Crimson starting Fall 2021.

Throughout her junior tennis career, Duncan has been ranked one of the nation’s top players, consistently holding a spot in the top 20. According to the United States Tennis Association, by last fall the 18-year old senior had reeled off 16 consecutive match wins and three tournament titles, including two regional ITA Fall Circuit events, and a UTR professional event.

She will graduate from Newport Beach-based California Pacific Charter School (CalPac) this spring, an NCAA-accredited online middle and high school. She is the school’s first-ever Ivy League accepted student.

In a time when virtual learning has been controversial, Duncan, a CalPac student since eighth grade, credits the online environment for giving her the flexibility to pursue her tennis career without sacrificing academic excellence. She was able to maximize her studies and leverage the school’s staff for support, all while competing in national and international tennis tournaments.

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