Newport-Mesa Unified School District announced Wednesday the selection of Sean Boulton as principal of Newport Harbor High School.
According to a press release issued by NMUSD, the district followed a recruitment process before selecting Boulton.
“The process included a community forum held at the school and an online survey to gather input from parents and staff about the attributes they would like to see in their next principal,” the statement reads.
The process also included a panel of parents and school staff representatives that participated in the interviews, guided by community input.
“Boulton is an experienced high school administrator and educator,” the statement reads.
Laguna Hills High School in Saddleback Valley “thrived” since Boulton became principal of the school in 2008, according to the press release.
“Their API has reached 854 from 779; 48 percent of graduates completed University of California A-G requirements; he has grown the 25-year old International Baccalaureate Program which is slated to award 39 diplomas next year; and started Laguna Hills High School Culinary Arts and Chinese Mandarin programs in 2012,” the district message explains.
Within the Newport-Mesa district, Boulton was a teacher at Ensign Intermediate School and an assistant principal at Estancia High School.
“Newport Harbor High School is one of those rare places where history, community, and educational excellence come together,” Boulton said in the statement. “I cannot wait to meet students, teachers, parents, and members of the educational community. My wife and I have two children that will one day be sailors, and to be connected in such a unique way is remarkable. I’m honored to be the next leader of NHHS.”