NBPD Offers Holiday Season Safety Tips


Don’t let a burglar put a damper on your holiday spirit!

As we enter into this busy time of the year, it can be easy to let safety fall to the bottom of our to-do lists…and burglars are ready to take advantage of this.

This is where a little extra planning and awareness can go a long way.

Here are some ways that you can eliminate easy opportunities for burglars as you do your shopping, attending holiday functions or travel to see loved ones.

If you are doing your shopping out and about…

  • Never leave your valuables unattended (phone, purse, wallet, etc.).
  • Use a purse with zipper & keep it zipped closed.
  • Do not hang your purse over the back of your chair while dining out. Keep your valuables in your line of sight.
  • Park your vehicle in a well-lit area.
  • Have your keys in your hand when approaching your car. Check the back seat and around the car before getting in.
  • Do not leave shopping bags visible in car windows. Take them directly home if possible. If not, place them in the trunk (out of sight) before arriving to your next destination.
  • Do not park your car outside your house with shopping bags left inside.

When online shopping…

  • Have packages delivered to a location where someone will be available to accept them so they are not left unattended on your doorstep. Some ideas: your workplace (if permitted) or the home of a friend or family member who will be home for the delivery.
  • Use local pick up options like in-store pick up, Amazon locker, etc.
  • Get a doorbell camera so you can see when something has been delivered.

When leaving the house…

  • Avoid displaying gifts and other valuables in places easily seen from windows & doors.
  • Always keep porch lights on from dusk to dawn using photocells or timers.
  • Always lock all doors and windows whenever you leave your home. If you have an alarm, remember to set it.
  • Use timers on indoor lights or smart lighting options to create the appearance of being home.
  • Leave the TV on when you go out for the evening.
  • Do not advertise if you are away – wait to post your photos or videos until you arrive back home.
  • If you are going out of town, ask a trusted neighbor to keep an eye on your house.

As always, please call the Newport Beach Police Department immediately when you see suspicious activity. NBPD Dispatch Non-Emergency Number: (949) 644-3717.

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The Newport Beach Police Department wishes you a safe and happy holiday season.