‘Movember’ Reading


Welcome to Movember!

No, that’s not a typo – the month formerly known as November is now Movember, a time to cast the light on prostate and other men’s cancers, and fundraise to eradicate them.

During this month of awareness, “Mo Bros” grow moustaches to generate conversation about and awareness of men’s health issues, and also to generate funds to help out this worthy cause.

Mo Bros start each Movember 1 clean-shaven.  During the course of this month long event, they demonstrate their fine moustache growing skills, seeking sponsors for their efforts.  The end of the moustachery is usually marked by either throwing or attending a Movember gala – another chance to raise vital dollars needed to fund the programs Movember sponsors, including the Prostate Cancer Foundation, and LIVESTRONG.

This is a topic that hits home at the Independent, as one of our own, Green columnist Jim Fitzpatrick, is himself a Mo Bro and cancer survivor.  Diagnosed is 1988 with testicular cancer, he faced many tough treatment decisions, some of which would have left him unable to father children.  Through innovative practices and with insightful doctors, Jim is now celebrating 25 years of being cancer free, and is a proud father of two.

He is now paying it forward.  Growing a moustache each Movember, and joining a fundraising team is just one way to help make sure that other men have just as great of an outcome as he did, and to further the hope that one day a cure will be available.

Partnering again this year with the Movember movement is TOMS shoes.  Stop by any one of the many Newport Beach retailers who carry TOMS products this month to get a pair of their Mo-inspired shoes.  Proceeds go to the Movember Foundation, and they are stylish to boot, with a little mustache logo on the side.

Equally as important is being informed.  Jim’s cancer was self-diagnosed, which meant it was caught early.  There are numerous resources available to help men (and the women in their lives) stay on top of their health.

The most written about men’s cancer is the big P – prostate cancer.  Here are some titles that are recommended for men and their families who are dealing with this issue:

  • “Dr. Patrick Walsh’s Guide to Surviving Prostate Cancer” by Patrick C. Walsh and Janet Farrar – discusses treatment options and helps determine what the right course of action for each individual may be.
  • “Prostate Cancer: With a Dose of Reality and a Slice of Humor” by Chad and Clayton Crowe – basic information with a chance to laugh, because laughter is often the best medicine.
  • “The Men’s Club” by Bert Gottlieb and Thomas J. Mawn, MD – dual accounts from both patient and doctor of Gottlieb’s journey through diagnosis, surgery, and recovery.
  • “His Prostate and Me” by Desiree Lyon Howe – a couple faces the disease and its issues.

While I must stop short of growing a fuzzy caterpillar on my lip, I am not excluded from helping out the Bros.  Jim is a member of Team Nuclear, a top national fundraising team for Movember.  I just visited teamnuclear.com to make my donation, and I hope you will join me.

To donate, please visit teamnuclear.com and search for Jim Fitzpatrick. For more information on the Movember Foundation, visit us.movember.com.