Mom’s Voice: Copy That, 10-4…Over and Out.

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Jill_Fales_Moms_VoiceMy mom bought Wyatt a pair of cheap plastic walkie talkies from CVS this past Monday. It’s good to know that walkie talkies still have relevance in our digital, high tech, 4G world. Truth is, I don’t even understand the science behind how these simple communication devices work. I am still trying to figure out how the soup cans and string worked so well.

Within seconds of unscrewing the tiny screw which held on the back with a Philips screwdriver and snapping in a 9 volt battery, Wyatt was in business.No charging, no downloading software, no agreeing to conditions, no instruction manual necessary.

I have to admit, I was pretty excited too. Holding one of them in my hands brought me right back to my childhood. Pushing down the talkie button, I walkied into my room and asked if Wyatt could hear me.

He indicated just outside my bedroom door that he could. My bedroom door was still open, so I told him, sans the walkie talkie to go into another room, to really test it. He went into his bedroom and I said,

“Take off your jeans, put them in the laundry and put on your pajamas.”  

The crackly response came back, “I’m in the laundry room now mom”

When Sally got wind that Wyatt’s new walkie Ttalkies were operating, an entire walkie talkie society ensued complete with notes on her huge dry erase board. All told, it was a fun night, but Sally, as is typical took a little too much control and Wyatt, tired, past his bedtime, finally made his way into my room frustrated with his bossy older sister. I told everyone it was time to stop, but they insisted on debriefing me on all their hard work.

They brought the dry erase board into my bedroom, where I was already in bed.  The board was divided into sections with notes under each one. Everything from the Rules of Being a Spy, and Undercover Techniques, to What Not to do with a Walkie Talkie and  Code Words.

First things first, a list of what Walkie Talkies are for:

  1. Staying in touch with your partner.
  2. Receiving/giving info.
  3. Inputting ideas.

And, what not to do with a Walkie Talkie:

  1. Don’t yell into it.
  2. Don’t drop it.

Simple enough. But then things started to get interesting. They taught me how to talk in code. Here’s some of their inventions.

 “Natural Volcano” means I have to go to the bathroom.

“Your skirt is too high” means you can be seen.

“I’m throwing away the moldy cheese” – I’m turning off the walkie talkie.

“The hat is off” – they know.

Also according to Sally and Wyatt, among the most important qualities to being a spy are: “Stealthiness,” “Ninja-like,” “on the spot thinker,” “take all missions seriously,” and being “disciplined.” 

And finally: rules for Spy Slang:

Instead of saying can you hear me – say do you read me.

Whenever you use a code word you have to say it twice and say, “I repeat,” such as “Natural volcano. I repeat, natural volcano.”

Rather than ask your partner, “Where are you?” say “What is your position?”

I know one thing about my position – walkie talkies are as cool as ever. And as far as I know there is still no app for pure imagination. I repeat, there is no app for pure imagination.

Over and out.

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