Meeting Set on Teen Rx Drug Abuse



Newport Beach Public Library Teen Services, in collaboration with the Newport Beach Police Department and Community Service Programs – Project PATH, will host “Good Meds, Bad Behavior:  A Community Briefing to Prevent Prescription and Over-the-Counter Drug Abuse” on Oct. 20 beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Central Library.

The purpose of this community briefing is to increase awareness of the prevalence of prescription and over-the-counter drugs, the dangers and misconceptions related to them, and to discuss how these substances affect the community. The briefing will provide participants with strategies to reduce the problem at home and in their community.

The 2008 California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) report for Newport-Mesa Unified School District states that 12% of 9th graders and 24% of 11th graders have misused prescription painkillers one or more times; 10% of 9th graders and 13% of 11th graders have misused cough and cold medicines one or more times in their lifetime.

Reports from Partnership for a Drug Free America have shown that teenagers are now abusing some of the most common household medications but many parents and community leaders remain unaware this is happening or even how easily teens can get the drugs.

Speakers from the Orange County Health Care Agency, the Newport Beach Police Department and Hoag Hospital will talk about prescription and over-the-counter drug abuse trends among teens and present strategies for prevention. The program will also include parent testimonials and resources for parents and teens. Refreshments will be served.

This is a free event. No registration required. Seating is first come, first served. Room capacity is 200 people. If you have questions please contact Teen Services at 949-717-3808.