Mayor’s Message: Update on Homelessness Efforts


Dear Neighbors:

The City of Newport Beach continues to pursue a multifaceted approach toward solving issues resulting from homelessness.

The City Council formed a Homeless Task Force comprised of three councilmembers and seven community members to develop a long-term and comprehensive community plan for addressing homelessness in our city.

We’re also dedicating staff resources. Assistant City Manager Carol Jacobs works closely with the Task Force and City Manager Grace Leung recently re-assigned Natalie Basmaciyan from the Library Department to the City Manager’s Office, to serve as the City’s Homeless Coordinator. Natalie will oversee the efforts of City Net, the City’s contracted social service provider, and will manage our overall efforts. Police Officer Tony Yim, dedicated to our homeless efforts, and all police staff continue their good work in the field, interacting with Orange County Social Services and assisting homeless individuals in finding the resources they need.

In addition, the City is also working closely with the Orange County Transportation Authority to address concerns at the OCTA Transportation Center, near Avocado and San Joaquin Hills Rd. Enforcement of no trespassing at the site occurred began on September 11 and 12. This has resulted in a positive impact on the community. The NBPD continues to enforce the after-hours no trespassing rule and the Police are reporting less activity on the site. We will continue to monitor the situation. OCTA is also making landscape improvements at the site.

The effort that is garnering the most attention, however, involves our pursuit of shelter beds. To comply with federal law, we must have shelter beds available to those that may need them.

The City Manager’s office is in the process of identifying and evaluating partnerships with neighboring municipalities which already provide shelter space. And, when the City Council met in early September to discuss homelessness and the City’s strategy for managing this complex issue, we started the process of reviewing possible sites for a temporary shelter location within city boundaries. We are looking at privately owned commercial properties and City-owned properties, specifically, the City’s Corporation Yard off of Superior Avenue.

This is an open and public evaluation process and we encourage community input.


Mayor, Council Member
District 1

Diane Dixon joined Newport Beach City Council in 2014. This is her second tenure as mayor, first stepping into the role in 2016. Reach her at


  1. One of the most dangerous (think lawsuits!) locations in Newport Beach are the Boardwalks. Skateboards zipping by, E-Bikes EVERYWHERE (going over 20 mph), no police monitoring, and little kids visiting with parents from out of state. No one will want to visit (think money!). No one wants to walk unless they are on winter weekdays at 7AM…