Marine-Based Charities Wanted


West Marine, a specialty retailer of boating supplies and accessories, has announced their search for Newport Beach marine-based non-profits to be the beneficiaries of the “Cruising for a Cause” charity celebration set for October 3-6, 2013.

The festivities will take place during West Marine’s Grand Opening of its flagship store at 3433 Via Lido this October.

In keeping with the company’s mission of conserving marine habitats and supporting local boating non-profits across the country, West Marine is eager to work with Newport Beach-area charities that serve the local boating, fishing, sailing and marine environmental community.

All proceeds from ticket sales to the “Cruising for a Cause” event go to the local charities. West Marine holds similar events around the country that help charities as varied as local youth boating programs, beach clean-ups, and organizations that preserve local marine life among others.

For the $10 ticket, “Cruising for a Cause” attendees will receive food, beverages and entertainment provided by West Marine. For full details on how to apply to participate in “Cruising for a Caus,e” send an inquiry via e-mail to