Woody’s Wharf Harassment is an Outrage


First, let me say that I haven’t been to Woody’s Wharf Restaurant in 20 years.

Nevertheless, as a citizen of Newport Beach I am enraged at the harassment laid on the Woody’s Wharf Restaurant by Newport Beach Police from September 2013 to February 2014 as reported in the Kurt English column on March 6, 2015.

During the months that police picketed Woody’s, the complete chain of command was engaged in a naked showing of power and abuse of the color of authority. All of the responsible chain of command above all the officers assigned to that duty deserve to be fired.

Further, whoever responded to David Ellis’ request under the California Public Records Request Act deserves to be removed from office along with those who instructed that person to make such a specious, ludicrous reply to a valid request.

Since the first exemption claimed was Attorney-Client Privilege it can be assumed that an attorney wrote the response. The California Bar might be interested in reviewing that person’s qualifications.

I recognize this happened before the current Council was seated, nevertheless this Council should be sure it never happens again to any person or organization.

 Douglas M. Wood

Newport Beach