Mailbag: More Trashy Behavior


To Those Concerned: We have made our position on the outsourcing of our Trash Services for everything but Gate Guarded Communities in Newport Beach, clear to all of you over the years.  We firmly disagree with Dave Kiff, Mayor Keith Curry and Mike Henn…….Leslie Daigle we have to give a pass because of her recent bike accident.

All in all, those of you that we have mentioned have all totally missed the point in relation to “service to the public and your constituents.” Your passed history of constituent services and responses has fallen appreciably in the last three years. Your seemingly bunker mentality is not attractive folks.

Here is your basic problem: You want to save $17 million dollars in seven years, but fail to worry about the $100 million in 30 years….for the Civic Center….that we went a little over budget for.

Here is the story, short and sweet – Public Safety includes: Police, Fire and Trash Collection. We have a great NBPD and a wonderful NBFD. Our Trash Collection system is the envy of the State of California…..and you want to change it? Your legacies are looking pretty bleak folks.  Whatever good you may have done in the past will not make muster if you continue your current path.

As you may have noticed, there will be plenty of new people running for your Lame Duck City Council seats. You may have come in like a Lion, but you all will be going out like Lambs – just because of a few stupid decisions. That is too bad.

Let’s be clear–no matter what great good you think you may have accomplished on the council during your tenure, all those matters pale in comparison to making 85 percent of the 90K people upset with your “Late news from the News Room decisions.” You don’t need to change the Trash System, especially until you stop rubbing your hands looking at the General Services Funds which have been reserved for future Trash Vehicle purchases. What amount – $4 or $5 million dollars – you can squish into your General Fund that will quickly evaporate into the ethers?  Come on folks, we have the Internet and everyone sees through your transparent actions with only a little effort. Your Legacies will live in Infamy!

We have the temerity to ask that the City Council of Newport Beach – Shape up before they leave in terrible disgrace. Some issues are just too hot. We would encourage you to re-visit this Trash Issue. Ask for a vote of the people at the next election and go from there. The seven years will not come any faster if we wait until 2014…ya think?

By the way, NO S Shaped Departures from JWA over Harbor Ridge, Spy Glass Hill or Pacific View Cemetery either. There are people that visit the grave of John Wayne that will be upset seeing commercial flights to Mexico flying over their heads as they pay homage to “The Duke.”  What are you thinking? Try some respect for the family.

OK, No more Trashy behavior….please! Treat the speakers nicely – we heard about how badly they were treated at the last City Council Meeting. Give the old folks an extra 15 seconds to finish their sentences please! We are sure they would give you that much deference if the situation was reversed.

“Join our Team..Keep Newport Clean!”

P.S.  Those people in Newport Coast should get to keep their automated system along with every other Gated Community that wants it….no worries Newport Coast!

Ron & Anna Winship

Corona del Mar