On Saturday, September 28, the Newport Beach 1st Battalion, 1st Marines Foundation will hold a car wash fundraiser at the Newport Dunes Resort and Marina from 10AM to 4PM.
Funds raised by car wash donations will be used to offset the cost for lower enlisted rank members to attend the Birthday Ball with wives or dates. The USMC will celebrate its 238th year on November 10.
I was sorely disappointed to have been out of town for the last car wash, so this time, we plan to head over with both a donation and a platter of cookies in hand for 1/1 volunteers.
I’ve written in the past about how the citizens of Newport Beach adopted the 1/1 (1st Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division) in 2003. Since then, our great community has supported 1/1 Marines, Sailors & their families while at their home base on Camp Pendleton, and when the battalion is deployed.
With members of the 1/1 recently returned from a combat deployment in Afghanistan, they are looking forward to attending the unit’s Marine Corps Birthday Ball, always the most celebrated event of the year at Camp Pendleton.
The mission of the Newport Beach 1/1 Foundation as a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization is to provide community and financial support to the men and families of the 1st Battalion, 1st Marines both during overseas deployments and when training for the next deployment.
Newport Dunes is once again generously allowing the Marines to use the car wash facility on their premises, a beautiful waterfront location, to raise funds and have some good clean fun.
The cost of each car wash is whatever donation amount you wish to give, and suffice to say, if it’s the most expensive car wash you ever pay for, it will be worth every penny.
For more information about how you can support the 1/1 visit: www.oneonemarines.com.
Columnist and 1/1 devotee Lynn Selich resides in Newport Beach. Reach her at Lynn@ocsocialscene.com.