Longtime civic leader Robyn Grant has announced her candidacy for Newport Beach City Council, District 4. Current District 4 City Council Member Kevin Muldoon will be termed out in 2022.
Other Newport Beach City Council members whose tenure ends in 2022: Diane Dixon and Duffy Duffield. Council Member Joy Brenner’s term ends in 2022 but she is eligible to run for reelection.
Grant’s bio shows that she is a USC educated attorney with a specialty in real estate and environmental law, and bachelor’s degree from UCLA. She is also a small business owner and teaches college classes in Business Law and Business Ethics.
Locally, Grant served two appointments to the Civil Service Board of Newport Beach after completing an appointment to the Library Board of Trustees and two appointments to the City Arts Commission.
Grant has served on Boards of several nonprofits including Speak Up Newport, Friends of Newport Beach Animal Shelter and Leadership Tomorrow. She has also been a frequent contributor to the Newport Beach Independent.
According to Grant, she has worked with the City of Newport Beach in many capacities, collaborating with the community to support local business and fiscally conservative policies, increase resident participation in Council decisions, improve government services, promote community education, and support our first responders.
“Leading starts with listening,” said Grant. “I’m running to bring transparent governance to City Hall, independent leadership that fully accounts for resident concerns and properly vets issues in making decisions.”
Newport Beach Mayor Brad Avery said he was happy to support Robyn Grant for City Council.
“Robyn is an active 35-year resident of our City,” said Avery. “She has a strong record of public service to our community through more than 20 years of participation on many civic boards and committees. An attorney and business owner, Robyn understands Newport Beach, its culture and issues. She is an excellent choice for City Council.”
Grant has been married for over 30 years to David Grant, a business litigation attorney practicing in Orange County for almost 50 years. Together they have two children, Madison Grant, also an attorney, and David Grant, a composer and university professor.
Grant’s website has details on what she calls her “key priorities,” which include Public Safety & First Responders, Fiscal Responsibility, Traffic, Housing, Small Business Support, Library, Arts & Culture, Quality of Life/Environment, Airport, Homelessness,
Public-Private Partnerships, and Group Homes.
For more information, visit her website at https://grantforcouncil2022.com/.