Local Non-Profit Plans Inaugural Gala


Family Promise of Orange County will hold its inaugural Gala Dinner on Saturday at the Wilcox Manor in Tustin.

The fundraising event will honor the families that have graduated from the program as well as give the community an opportunity to learn more about the non-profit organization.

The event will feature entertainment, a tour of the historic Wilcox Manor, and a silent auction. The auction prizes include gift cards, theme park tickets, hotel packages, wine tastings, spa treatments, and more.

Family Promise of Orange County partners with local churches, including several in Newport Beach, to open their houses of worship to provide emergency housing, meals and support to homeless families.

The event will celebrate the early successes of this new non-profit and support their future.

“Family Promise focuses on keeping parents and children together while the family seeks housing and financial stability,” a statement from the organization read.

The Gala Dinner will be held Saturday at 6:30 p.m. at the Wilcox Manor in Tustin. Tickets are $75 per person. VIP tickets are available for $125 and include meeting the owners of the manor, a private tour of the estate and cocktails at 6 p.m. A table for eight people can also be purchased for a discounted price of $550.

For more information, to make a donation or to RSVP, contact Casey Crosbie at 714-353-0428 or ccrosbie@familypromiseoc.org. Checks can also be sent to Family Promise of Orange County, 161 S. Orange St., Orange, CA 92866.

Visit www.FamilyPromiseOrangeCounty.org for more information about the organization.