Lynn’s Spin: Local Band Theodore Lovely Hits the Road

Theodore Lovely
Theodore Lovely

Newport Beach-based Indie band Theodore Lovely members Rob Armenti, Dan Bertsch and Robbie Moen are getting a taste of what it’s like to take their music on the road and well, the road has gotten a little bumpy for this uber-talented trio.

The Folk/Americana-inspired band embarked on its inaugural “The Heart Leads the Way” tour, named in honor of their first music video of the song by the same name, in January, and so far the sailing’s been pretty smooth.

Starting the tour with concerts in Orange County and Tahoe, Dan told me they have been incredibly well received.

“Our goal is to build a national fan base and ‘turn frowns into hoedowns’ – we are off to a great start!”

But as they journeyed on to their next concert venue in Colorado, Murphy’s Law kicked in and their RV, which they named “Gloria Southwind,” began to have transmission problems along the highways and byways of Utah. Soon, Gloria couldn’t even stay in gear.

Houston, we have a problem.

But the show must go on, so after towing Gloria to a local mechanic and renting a van, they arrived in the Centennial State in time for their show at Denver’s Merchants Mile High Saloon, playing to a standing room only crowd. Last night, they played in Fort Collins; by Tuesday they’ll be in Austin, Texas; then on to New Orleans, then Georgia, and by the end of the month, Nashville, Tennessee.

That is, after they go back and retrieve Gloria.

The individual musical talent of each member of Theodore Lovely left an impression on me the first time I watched “The Heart Leads the Way” video, which was filmed here in the Back Bay but gives the impression it was shot on some lough in Ireland.

At points in “The Heart Leads the Way” video, the band is playing in a small 5’x8’ skiff as it is rowed on the bay. To get the dramatic shots, they somehow squeezed four people including their cameraman Matt Sorenson, all their instruments and lifejackets on to the little boat. Dan says the looks they were getting from Newport locals in their boats and on their balconies overlooking Back Bay were priceless.

The way they described it, I only wish I could have been there to witness the scene!

“Four guys crammed into this tiny boat, playing music in the middle of the bay, they must have thought we were nuts.”

As impressed as I am with their music and the video, I was equally impressed with how I found “Theodore Lovely” exists. Dan took the initiative to send a thoughtful and well-written introduction to the Newport City Council soliciting the city’s support.

In part it read: “Theodore Lovely will be proudly representing Newport Beach all across the U.S. as a thriving center for musical and artistic expression. We have initiated a fundraising campaign to help us make this tour a reality. Your support – both morally and monetary – would be greatly appreciated.”

My hubby thought they would make for a great local story and after watching their video I was compelled to reach out to them for just that. By bringing their story to light, I am hoping it will inspire our community to step up and help them complete their dream to follow the hearts that lead them.

The band is currently sponsored by Jetty Clothing (, and “we would be honored to have sponsorships by local businesses or music companies,” Dan told me in closing.

“We plan on breaking a lot of strings.”

Interested in supporting Theodore Lovely’s “The Heart Leads the Way” tour? Visit their website at to make a donation and follow the tour. Email them at


Columnist and Theodore Lovely fan Lynn Selich is the founder and editor-in-chief of Reach her at