Letter to the Editor: We Need the Business and Community Leadership of Joe Stapleton


If the last few years have taught us anything, it is that elections matter! Furthermore, character matters in elected officials.

The 2022 elections are in full swing. Signs are popping up around town, mailers are arriving and residents are beginning to ask questions as to which candidates to support for City Council.

I am supporting Joe Stapleton for City Council in the District 1 election race.

From the estates in Newport Coast, family neighborhoods in and around CDM, to the historic culture of the Peninsula, Newport Beach is a special place with a range of different lifestyles.

The person we elect should have an intimate knowledge of all of the unique characteristics that make up our City.

Joe Stapleton has decades of leadership experience. He has served as Harbor Commissioner, Chair of The Newport Beach Foundation and is a member of the Finance Committee. His commitment to Newport Beach and his dedication to our community has been unwavering.

I have had the pleasure of working with Joe through multiple boards and organizations.  I have seen his leadership skills in action. Joe is committed to protecting our high quality of life with his main priority addressing the homeless crisis.

We need strong leadership that is willing to make the tough decisions necessary to solve the growing homeless population in Newport Beach. We need the business and community leadership of Joe Stapleton to keep our city strong. He will keep Newport, Newport.

Mario Marovic / Newport Beach