Letter to the Editor: Time for a Council Change


Most residents agree that its time for change in our Newport City Council.

We envision our future to include new and responsible developments along Mariner’s Mile, reduced speeds and lanes along West Coast Highway.

The surrounding communities of Lido Isle, Bayshores, Newport Heights and Cliff-Haven have been working together to make certain that we “Make Newport Beach Great Again” and this includes looking at those developments that have become an architectural “gem” (Lido House), and those that have failed to an extent that the iconic Crab Cooker must be torn down (The Vue).

We have set goals, and met new friends and neighbors who have come together for the common good of our community. We care deeply about our Bay-side Town and most everyone shares this same vision.

Simply, adjusting our sails could be the best thing that has happened in our town since the “Freeway Fighters” who led the battle in 1971 against PCH becoming a 10-lane highway. It will also allow those current City Council Members to follow their passion and their heart by protecting our precious Harbor.

We need to work together to preserve the tranquility and character of Newport Beach and this means making difficult decisions on November 8 that will influence our future now and for generations to come.


Luke Dru

President, Cliff-Haven Community Association

Newport Beach