Letter to the Editor: These Are Not Quiet Times


These are not quiet times. A tumultuous election season is upon us at both the local and national level.

At the national level, there is some concern that our democracy is being tested. The divisiveness that is being played out currently in our country affects the relationships that we hold not only with our fellow citizens, but with our families and our friends as well.

But what does a challenge to democracy look like at the local level? Do you see the same kind of turmoil among factions in Newport Beach that you do at the national level?  At the local level, democracy would play out with a city government that is responsive to the needs of its citizens. Council members would have open and frequent communication with the residents of their districts. They would express and represent the views of the majority and they would follow the rule of law.

Ask yourself if this is the kind of government that we now have in Newport Beach.

If it isn’t, you will soon have the opportunity to make some important changes.

It’s time to get involved.


Lynn Lorenz

Newport Beach