Letter to the Editor: The 2510 W. PCH Project is Ill-Conceived


The 2510 W. PCH Project will be heard at the upcoming City Council meeting on Tuesday, April 27.

Why should Newport Beach residents be concerned about this project? This ill-conceived Project will set a precedent with regard to the first mix-use project along Mariners’ Mile. The Project will incorporate a 35-foot high “monolithic structure” that will include low-income housing and an elaborate car dealership.

The applicant’s representatives took only two view simulations, one from John Wayne Park and one from Cliff Drive Park, (Ironically, the Cliff Drive Park is approximately a half-mile away from the 2510 W. PCH Project).

The City’s General Plan states that this area on the inland side of Pacific Coast Highway, at the foot of the bluffs in the vicinity of Tustin Avenue, Riverside Avenue, and Avon Street presents a unique opportunity for the creation of an active pedestrian-orientated retail district.

The 2510 W. PCH Project has no retail or amenities and serves no purpose; however, it will generate unnecessary traffic in an already very tenuous area. These streets are “one-way” along Tustin, Oceanview and Avon Alley.

The General Plan states that the goal for development along Mariners’ Mile, require that projects are compatible with adjoining residential neighborhoods and open spaces, are well designed and attractive, minimizes traffic impacts, and provides adequate parking.

The 2510 W. PCH Project disregards all of these elements and is inconsistent with the current General Plan, the City’s LCP and the California Coastal Commission Policies.

The residents remain the largest revenue for the City of Newport Beach and our voices need to be heard loud and clear on April 27.

This Project does not benefit the surrounding communities of Bayshores, Lido Isle, Newport Heights and Cliff Haven; it will create more harm than good.

If the 2510 Project should pass, it will forever be a “gross disfigurement” along our beautiful bay.

Peggy V. Palmer / Newport Beach