Letter to the Editor: Taxpayers Owed an Apology


A recent public records request unearthed a treasure trove of campaign activity coordinated using city resources.

Current Councilmember Jeff Herdman was caught red handed (through public records requests) violating election law as he used his official email to talk his way into fundraisers and even coordinate a plan to harvest ballots to try to sway the November 3rd election.

On top of all that, Herdman and his campaign cohorts went after solid Blom endorsements that Blom rightfully earned, with a politically heavy hand in order to retract endorsements from Blom.

No different than accosting residents at their own home when they had his opponents sign on their private property and have already made their minds up.

California election law clearly prohibits using government resources – funded by the taxpayer – to campaign. Doing so is a clear violation of the law, a disrespect to the office and another example of his lack of accountability and integrity to the people he is supposed to be serving in Newport Beach.

A sitting city councilman should be able to run on his own record and support for community driven policies, which is clearly lacking. Jeff Herdman’s campaign has been run on attacking his opponent’s family and business and supporters. The issues and his ineffective leadership are evident in his votes for the McMansion on King’s road, eliminating the entire bluff.

Jeff’s lackluster performance for relief from airport pollution and noise, and as Chairman of the Aviation Committee, his void of commitment from the private airlines and Board of Supervisors for these general aviation planes to adhere to our noise abatement in the GAIP agreement.

In addition, Jeff’s continued attack on Balboa Island’s Marine Avenue, and under his leadership, the division between the various organizations have been to say the least, disappointing.

That’s why I am voting for Noah Blom. Hoping for a Clean Slate for District 5.

Anita Rovsek / Balboa Island