Letter to the Editor: Support for Robyn Grant for District 4 City Council


Over the years I have watched with great interest the consistent hard work and tremendous amount of time Robyn Grant has given to the City of Newport Beach and to various Organizations and Boards within our City.

As a little background, Robyn Grant is a USC educated attorney with a specialty in real estate and environmental law and bachelor’s degree from the UCLA. She is also a small business owner and teaches college classes in Business Law and Business Ethics. Robyn served two appointments to the Civil Service Board of Newport Beach, as well as appointments to the Library Board of Trustees and the City Arts Commission.

Robyn Grant has also served on Boards of several nonprofits including Speak Up Newport, Friends of Newport Beach Animal Shelter and Leadership Tomorrow.

A Newport resident for over thirty-five years, Robyn Grant has worked with the City of Newport Beach in many capacities, collaborating with the community to support local business, increase resident participation in City Council decisions, improve government services, promote community education, and support our first responders.

Robyn Grant understands that the major issues facing Newport Beach such as Public Safety, Crime, Homelessness, Traffic, etc do NOT fall neatly within District lines but do require ALL City Council members to work together and to respond to concerned residents regardless of the District designations.

Robyn Grant will listen intently to resident’s concerns.

Robyn Grant is consistent on her positions on issues and does not change her position based on money donors who want to control our politicians by promising support and money.

Robyn Grant has the integrity and independence of a strong leader and does not flip flop on election measures such as Measure 8, Election of a Mayor.

Robyn Grant knows that when she is elected her job is to listen to and carry out the will of ALL the residents of Newport Beach.

Please join my husband and myself in voting for Robyn Grant for District 4 City Council.

Nancy and Ron Arrache / Balboa Peninsula