Letter to the Editor: Seek Facts, Ignore Myths


On Aug. 3, 2018, the Newport Beach Independent ran an article titled “Police Efforts Reflect Crime Reduction.”

Journalist Richard Simon started the article by reminding readers that “Newport’s Police Department has earned the respect and gratitude of its citizens through its selfless dedication to public safety and service.”


The Indy and Daily Pilot both highlighted the extraordinary year our Police Department has had. As reported, serious crime “is down 15.7 percent, while the following are reduced impressively: burglary, 14.5 percent; Larceny/theft, 16.4 perfect; and bicyclist injuries, 27.5 percent.”

Arrests – including DUI arrests – are up three percent.  This is why our Police Chief has called this year “historic.”

This historic year comes in the midst of disastrous policies driven by Sacramento politicians and bad ballot-box crime initiatives. In an era where Sacramento is releasing felons back into cities with AB 109 and Propositions 47 and 57, our police officers deserve respect and accolades for this work.

Less than six weeks after the Indy reported crime being down, the Indy ran a letter to the editor that ignored these facts and questioned our Officers’ credibility.

The author attacked Mayor Duffy Duffield and Council Member Scott Peotter – and even another resident – for saying that “crime is down.”

The letter’s author then pivoted to support a challenger, but failed to mention that the challenger’s official election Candidate Statement also admits that crime is “down.”

We in Newport Beach don’t live in a post-fact society. And we shouldn’t accept arguments that attempt to drag us there. Nor should we accept arguments denigrating our Officers when data easily contradicts the claims.

Voters will do well to pay attention to which candidates our Police Officers support in this election.


Will O’Neill

Newport Beach Mayor Pro Tem