Letter to the Editor: No on Lee Lowrey, No on Measure B


In the final hours of filing, Lee M. Lowrey files papers for the 4th District seat for Newport Beach City Council!  This after months of “I’m not running”! What changed his mind?

Opportunity, or a long held desire to be elected?

Lee has had a long burning desire to be elected. Years and years ago, as a young buck, he hung out with a cadre of wanna be’s. This included the Peotter brothers, Jim Righeimer, Matt Harper and Tom Reneicke. They were a band of “Fuentes Flunkies” who aspired to elected office but did little to merit the honor.

I know – first hand – because when I ran for the State Assembly in the mid-90s, Lee Lowrey was amongst those who were going to challenge me. I know that was a long time ago. That’s how long he has been salivating  – and trying – to get elected!

Somehow, there are those who would have you think that serving on the City’s Planning

Commission is a springboard to the city council. That is simply not enough. I’m not convinced that having a tract housing developer on the Planning Commission or on the City Council serves our community.

Lowery is a strong supporter of more private jets at JWA and was working to defeat the ‘Elect the Mayor” initiative. Now he’s changed his mind and he’s FOR the initiative. Makes you wonder why? The LA Times listed him as a political fund raiser!

His tenets, his beliefs go against everything Newport Beach stands for. He supports more private jets at JWA, supports Measure B and wants an elected mayor! What else do you need to know to defeat this man?

Well yes, there is one more thing. He ran a few years ago in District 5. Now he’s running in District 4. As I said, for many years he has sought an elected position at any cost. The price for Newport Beach is too high.

Vote NO on Lee Lowrey! Vote NO on Measure B!!

Assemblywoman Marilyn C. Brewer, ret