Letter to the Editor: More Analysis of Superior Avenue Pedestrian Bridge Needed


Scenic corridor views along West Coast Highway cannot be taken for granted. I support preserving, protecting, and enhancing our coastal resources and coastal views. I am concerned about the significant visual impacts from project grading, construction of retaining walls, and the pedestrian bridge.

The full scope of all foreseeable development project proposals for widening West Coast Highway must meet State, Coastal Commission, community, and environmental requirements before approval.

Why is the City choosing to separate this project from the West Coast Highway Widening Bridge project? Shouldn’t they be considered together? I think additional analysis is needed to demonstrate the need for the project and to assure it is the least damaging environmental alternative to our coastal resources.

Would it be better for the Planning Commission and the City Council to step back, take a look from a big picture perspective, and independently inquire beyond the surface into the details of the full scope of all West Coast Highway infrastructure projects before deciding?

Without a detailed justification for widening West Coast Highway and a full understanding of how the PCH & Superior Bridges project ties into all proposals to widen West Coast Highway, a decision should not be made.

The significant risk to scenic corridor views due to these projects must not be undervalued or dismissed. I am asking the City of Newport Beach to lay out all of these projects and their impact on the environment so the community stakeholders can study and understand how everything proposed ties together before any single project is approved.

Patrick Gormley / Newport Beach