Letter to the Editor: Joe Stapleton is the Best Choice for Newport Beach City Council


I’m proud to be supporting Joe Stapleton for Newport Beach city council.

Newport deserves the best, and Joe is the best candidate when it comes to experience, leadership, dedication and temperament.

I like many others in our city have collaborated with Joe for close to a decade working on behalf of Newport Beach and its residents.

Joe has a long-standing record maintaining and enhancing the quality of life we have all come to enjoy and will do what is fair and right for Newport Beach residents.

We know Joe. We trust Joe. Joe will continue to keep Newport, Newport.

Elections matter. Particularly local elections where local officials can have a profound impact on our daily life. Fiscal responsibility is one of Joe’s key issues. Joe is a local Newport business owner operating a financial services and money management firm. He understands the discipline it takes to run a successful business.

Those same values hold true for the city where Joe serves on the Finance Committee ensuring Newport’s financial stability and prosperity. Joe will bring his experience and financial leadership to positively influence city council decisions thereby preserving and expanding Newport’s financial strength.

The other key issue championed by Joe is public safety. And our own city champions — our police, fire and lifeguards — all support Joe. They know and trust Joe. Joe is dedicated to likewise strengthening our city’s public safety.

Given the utter failure of other cities and counties in California to protect its citizens, Newport Beach is instead a shining example of what it means to expect and have the best police, fire and lifeguards. That’s why even Orange County Sheriff Don Barnes has expressly endorsed Joe.

Newport must maintain and enhance its public safety. And Joe is the best candidate-steward to do exactly that.

Please join me and many other Newport Beach residents in supporting and voting Joe Stapleton for city council!

Kory Kramer / Newport Beach