Letter to the Editor: In Times Like These We Need Principles, Not a Principal


When right and wrong can be challenging to decipher in the midst of these unprecedented times, it will be important to examine both the data and the facts before we head out to vote this fall, especially when the goal is to elect the best candidate who will honor and respect the interests and wishes of the community as a whole.

Lynn Lorenz recently wrote in support of Jeff Herdman’s candidacy for the District 5 city council seat, noting the race had already begun with some sort of hidden bias or unfair advantage against the incumbent.

In support of this view she points to the fact that several city council members are not endorsing Mr. Herdman, but instead they are supporting Noah Blom – a fresh face to the scene.

What Ms. Lorenz fails to mention is that Mr. Herdman has been in office for almost four years and is now seeking another four years in office. The fact that Mr. Herdman’s city council colleagues are not supportive of him does not surprise me. The lack of support is not evidence of a conspiracy against him. Rather, in my view, it is only further evidence of the overall discourse that Mr. Herdman has fostered among residents, merchants and it would now appear, amongst his fellow city council members.

The current race between Noah Blom and Jeff Herdman has nothing to do with the so-called “Team Newport” as Ms. Lorenz would have you believe; but rather it has everything to do with his sub-par performance to date as our representative for District 5.

The lack of support is indicative that his performance over the past four years has been lacking in many respects, and there is now an urgent need for a better candidate for this important position.

For many Balboa Island residents and merchants, a chorus now apparently joined by several of his own peers on city council, Mr. Herdman (a former school principal), has received a failing grade for his performance over the last four years. It is clear the time has come for a change, and we need to support the candidate who is willing to work with the community – a community comprised of residents, merchants and fellow city councilmembers.

In my view, Noah Blom understands the needs of the community, the importance of working collaboratively with constituents and council members alike. He appreciates the importance of protecting our villages, the need to support our merchants, restaurants, and business owners, both with financial support and flexible regulations, in order to allow our businesses to survive in the short term and thrive in the long term.

I believe Noah is better positioned to address many of the critical needs that were not prioritized under the current District 5 representation.

We simply cannot afford another four years of Herdman. Newport Beach needs a successful businessman and community member who understands the importance of balancing growth, while maintaining the quality of life in our quaint and unique villages that comprise Newport Beach.

We need a councilman who is willing to listen to the community and has the strength, endurance and dedication to lead us forward with a fresh and open-minded perspective for the future of Newport Beach.

Jim Moloney /  Balboa Island