Letter to the Editor: Important to Vote No on Measure B


I was speaking to a group of people last week about how important it is to Vote NO on Measure B when all of a sudden a person in the audience spoke up and said the following…

“I personally know and LOVE Will O’Neil. I have donated to his campaign, I’m a dedicated follower of his posts, our kids are friends, etc. He does what he says, listens with an open mind, I think he’s great. But when he asked me to help with Measure B, I had to decline and he was very respectful of my choice. I think he would be great for the position that Measure B is creating, but just as I told him, the problem is who comes AFTER him. Will O’Neill would be a great leader for 4 or 8 years, but then who will be next? Someone power hungry, someone with higher ambition, someone without Newport in mind, someone funded by lobbyists. No doubt it will ruin the City. Keep the power divided among the Council as it has been. Why do I care which councilman runs the meeting and calls himself mayor that year? I’m just happy the power is split and they hold each other accountable (…somewhat). This would change all that and turn the Council to Yes men. How truly sad for our beautiful City!”

Very well stated!

As you all know, the City of Westminster, population of 93,000, will be voting in the June primary to dissolve their directly elected Mayor position. The residents are fed up with the politics that have resulted from someone having too much control.

Let’s stop this now. Please visit the website https://nopowergrab.com. I urge everyone to vote NO on Measure B.

Lynn Swain / Newport Beach