Letter to the Editor: Grateful To Be in Newport Beach


Maya Angelou was not thinking of California when she said, “Every storm runs out of rain.”

She definitely had to be speaking metaphorically or about another time and place because California just experienced its driest year in a century.

The water lines in famous lakes like Tahoe and Shasta are way down. And the water in beautiful Lake Tahoe has become murky. We have had our share of natural disasters in California with the lack of rain and horrific wildfires, manmade divisiveness with the recent Recall election, and combination manmade/ natural disasters such as the pandemic and our recent oil spill.

But although we pay a big price both literally and figuratively to live here, it is not particularly common to hear of natives or newcomers wanting to leave our city or state unless out of necessity.

As for our little corner of paradise in Newport Beach, we should be forever grateful. Newport Beach is just one of California’s brighter gems. How about our beautiful national parks, our lengthy awe-inspiring coastline, the voluptuous wine country, the expansive farmland, and our iconic big cities?

When we are less insular and embrace what we have in common with the rest of the state, we benefit from the relationship. We need to take care of both homes because we live in the most futuristic state in the country.

Lynn Lorenz / Newport Beach