Letter to the Editor: Glenn Flip-Flopped on Kiff


In response to Sara Hall’s 2018 Candidate Wrap-Up on Oct. 26, I noticed that Mike Glenn’s opinion of the Dave Kiff situation has changed quite a bit from as recently as this past June.

Glenn, currently challenging Diane Dixon for her District 1 council seat, was asked if he felt ex-city manager Dave Kiff was “ousted.” His answer: “Yes, when my opponent was called out by name in the council meeting seeking to delay the ousting until after the election, she ignored the calls and the motion died for lack of a second. I would have seconded and voted to delay after the election.”

Fair enough. But comments he made to Newport Beach resident Lisa Marie’s Facebook post on May 20 reveal a different opinion. Glenn wrote: “We had two people on Council who have a long and public record of not liking Kiff — who, by the way, is a horrid city manager but happens to be a great communicator and people mistake that as being productive.”

On June 28, Glenn expands on this view: “Kiff left on his own accord, and he had six months of severance already negotiated in his previous contract. Kiff was not ousted. He quit. The only way he would be ousted is if he involuntarily left. He didn’t.”

In all fairness, Glenn posted this before he officially filed to run for council this year, and everyone has the right to change their mind. But when a candidate for public office changes his tune, does he owe his constituents an explanation?

Glenn is undoubtedly passionate about Newport Beach. When I wrote for this newspaper, he graciously gave me comments for at least two articles and rightfully corrected me when I had the wrong data on something. As a writer, I appreciate this. Not everyone wants to talk to a reporter.

But as an admirer of all things Newport (I don’t live here, but I’m just one MegaMillions jackpot away from a house on Balboa Island), I had to share his change of heart with readers.

If it matters to you, ask Glenn what he honestly believes happened to Kiff and how he would have handled it back in the spring.


Victoria Kertz

Former Newport Beach Indy Staff Writer