Letter to the Editor: Deception Starts Early This Campaign Season

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Deception started early this campaign season from two people running for Newport Beach City Council.

Candidate Jeff Herdman put a picture of me in a mailer that he sent out to voters in Newport Beach. Let me set the record straight.

I have not and would not support Jeff Herdman for city council. I served four years on the city council with Jeff. During that time, he forwarded confidential litigation information to a lawyer suing the city. Every one of his colleagues on the city council issued a public statement condemning him for releasing separate confidential information. Using my photo on a campaign mailer, knowing that I endorsed his opponent, is deceitful.

I also received a mailer from his campaign teammate, Nancy Scarborough. That mailer did something that I have never seen in all my time in politics: she blamed her opponent, Michelle Barto, for a vote that Nancy made.

Specifically, Nancy‘s campaign seems to revolve around a housing element that was passed two years ago by a unanimous city council that included Marshall “Duffy” Duffield and Joy Brenner. Nancy’s campaign also focuses on actions taken in the last two years by the city council and the General Plan Advisory Committee. Michele, though, serves on our local school board – which has nothing to do with our general plan – while Nancy serves on the General Plan Advisory Committee.

Why does that matter? Because Nancy voted for the general plan update that she is now condemning and blaming on Michelle. That is truly bizarre.

If that’s not enough, Nancy sent out campaign mail complaining about the potential for new housing. But Nancy is also the person who bragged to the Orange County Register (this year!) that: “As a founding member of the Newport Beach Housing Trust, I am committed to enabling as many affordable homes or apartments as possible.”

“As many affordable homes or apartments as possible.” Let that one sink in.

So let me be clear: I have endorsed Noah Blom, Michelle Barto, and Sara Weber for the Newport Beach City Council. I hope that you will fill out your ballots for them this week and mail them in as quickly as you can. Because the faster you vote, the faster you get removed from mailing lists. Including those meant to deceive you.

Will O’Neill / Currently serving his second term as Mayor of Newport Beach.

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