Letter to the Editor: Dear OC Board of Supervisors, Regarding General Aviation


Dear Chairperson Bartlett and Supervisors Steel, Do, Wagner and Chaffee:

We appreciate your taking the concerns of Orange County citizens into account during your consideration of the three proposed GAIP options and approving an option that addressed many of these concerns.

As Newport Beach Mayor Diane Dixon and others stated during the June Board of Supervisors meeting, there is a need for more “specificity” in the details of the GAIP, which we believe must be resolved before the RFP process begins.  We feel strongly that the RFP process be transparent and reflective of concerns clearly voiced by Orange County residents.  As you recall county chambers were at standing room capacity.

To that end, we recommend the County incorporate the following “specifics” into its RFP process and future FBO (Fixed Base Operations) lease agreements:

1. Eliminate the GAF/international provision and remove JWA as a General Aviation “port of entry.”

2. Ensure leases involving the County, JWA and the FBOs establish strict FBO hours of operation that mirror commercial jet hours of operation. Include provisions for terminating lease agreements of violators.

• Preserve the 2016 light GA/Jet mix as clearly defined in the approved EIR limiting the number of larger/louder aircraft. It is vital to limit hangar width to 40’ or less.

3. Limit medium and large GA jet aircraft to approximately 25.6 acres on JWA property.

4. Guarantee provisions for future aircraft utilizing electric/alternative energy.

Lastly, the ‘Request for Proposals’ must define the terms of compliance with the resolution so prospective FBOs with responses outside these terms will be classified as non-compliant and eliminated from consideration. RFPs must require language in the final lease documents that makes the commitment to the above terms mandatory for the life of the lease and any renewals or amendments.

Nancy Alston

Lorian Petry