Letter to the Editor: Councilmember Joy Brenner Deserves to Return to the Dais in November


Joy Brenner is running for City Council District 6 re-election on November 8.

She’s exceptionally well-qualified and deserves to be returned to the dais – perhaps this December (finally) as Mayor.

As we approach another election season, I’ve been told that the money power seekers who attempted to smear her in 2018 will rise again from the ashes and fictionalize issues against Joy’s sterling name.

It’s already begun with individuals contacting her to endorse a candidate she doesn’t believe in, indicating that “they” will publicly go easier on her if she agrees.

Joy doesn’t play politics and cannot be bought off.

These individuals are the same people who tried to change the direction of our city government with the ill-conceived measure B last June which was soundly defeated.

Anyone opposing Joy will have to forget about all of Joy’s achievements, experience and her exceptional reputation within our community the last four years.

Our community needs to see the goodness, the commitment and the sensible honesty that has been the hallmark of Joy’s first four successful years.

Please help save our city from this corruption and re-elect Joy Brenner on November 8. No one is more deserving, and no one has worked harder for Newport Beach than Joy.

Lynn Swain / Newport Beach