Letter to the Editor: Council No Vote on Variance is Good for Community


For the past five years the owner of Shell gas station on Jamboree and San Joaquin has fought to build a car wash on an already overbuilt site.

This owner of 14 gas stations has sought variance after variance to expand his gas bays and mini market on an already overdeveloped corner. Now he wants a car wash.

Tuesday night the majority of the City Council sided with the adversely impacted residents of a neighborhood 500 feet away. Kudos and thanks to Councilmembers Duffield, Brenner, Dixon, Avery and Muldoon, who clearly understand the impact on our community.

As for O’Neill, he might as well have been carrying Rosansky’s jacket. Three separate times he informed the council that there was no basis for denial. Really?

The gas station owner was requiring a 50 percent reduction in the setback and a change to the General Plan!

And Mr. Blom, new to the council, met with the homeowners and was very sympathetic to their plight and then voted FOR the variance. Nice going Blom, but not a good way to impress your new constituents.

O’Neill and Blom forget they are in Newport Beach and not in the swamp of DC. Thanks to the Fab 5 on the city council, residents are still heard in Newport.

Assemblywoman Marilyn Brewer, ret. / Newport Beach